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Do you think these would be good senior pictures??

Which one? 1st? 2cd? Neither?


Thanks so much!!!

I know i look younger but i am than everyone else since I'm 16 till next year.




  1. well first of u are abostuley goregeuos (which you probley already kknow)

    they are both good and i cant decied but i think i like the first one beter but the secound one makes u look older and brings out ur eyes

  2. Second

  3. wow! both of them are really pretty! I think you look older in the 2nd one and you look more mature in that one so i would do that. The 1st kind of makes it look like you're trying too hard to pose because since you can see your legs, you can tell that you are turning to face the camera and do that pose. Also, you look thinner in the blue shirt, so that's always good! But again, this is a very very slight difference and i love them both! But if i had to choose, i would probably choose the 2nd.

  4. I think I like the first one more, but I think they are both good!

    cute earrings in the first picture by the way!

  5. i think you look older in the second one, and your coloring goes good with blue. i think the second one's better.

  6. Numero Uno

  7. well both pictures are great! but i like the first one better. the pink shirt and the background make you stand out more, your very pretty. and congradulations on graduating!

  8. hey!!!! i am just like u....blonde and 16....well i like the first one has better colors first of all and the position u have is great....your smile looks a lot more lively too......your very pretty.....hope this has helped  

  9. You look the best in the first. Def. pick that one.


  10. there gorgeous i like bothhhhh.

  11. The Blue outfit washes out your eyes, diminishes them stick to the other one.

  12. def the first one ure rly pretty

    answer mine plzz;...

  13. 1st

  14. The second becuase of that mag t*t show

  15. I would say number 1 cause you absolutely look beautiful and the second one is just as pretty cause its the same pretty girl from the 1st one..

    Ps.. You Look Like Brittany Snow!

          (that's a compliment)  

  16. 1st one, and I dont think you look young. But you are super pretty! :)

  17. 1st one! Pretty pictures!

  18. I like them both..

    but i would go with the first looks original, like your really happy and having a good time..*which ithink they want in a grad photo, it makes you look like you loved your school and that you are a happy person*

  19. First one   No Doubt. No question.  

  20. there both really pretty

    but i'd say the second one

    but really either one


    and both are amazing,

    but I'd go with number 1 ;]

  22. The second one has a good home vibe to it because the fence & flowers. & Don't you want to remember your hometown after high school?

  23. I vote for the first one.

    You're very pretty, by the way.

    Whichever picture works.

  24. First one because your smile is a little bit better on that one & what can I say, pink is my favorite color! Good luck senior year. I think the whole senior pic thing & acting like a model was a great start. hah :)

  25. I think the first one is the best.  The colors are just more striking.  The second is a little more washed out.  

  26. i like both but i'd choose the first one.

    the color of the shirt looks good with your skin tone.


  27. 1st one.  That one is best because of your pose and it shows more or you.  You are a very beautiful girl!

  28. 1st one

    its so pretty

  29. 1st  or 2nd 1st or 2nd 1st or 2nd....mmmmmh

    You look very pretty in both(no I take that back-you are very prety in both)

    I prefer 1

    I vote 1





  30. They are very nice pics.  Either one is good.

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