
SEO programs? Search Engine Optomization programs? Do they work? Is the a scam?

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I have had many responses to my question on how to get traffic to our website and many have said SEO programs. One recommended was

The website looks fishy and I am eerie about paying $67 when I can't find anything about it on google.





  1. Nothing is impossible. For your information, there are so many ways to lead traffic to your website, technically, manually, automatically, strategically, and so forth.

    An unlike other people, we are going to show you all those ways - marketing techniques we call them - visually, logically, and completely.

    Here we go, have a look:

    Now you got the point. There's one more important thing to show you:

    There are no secrets, right. Traffic can be led massively and strategically with a traffic assistant. No doubts.

  2. Hi mattmo91!

    There are hundreds Search Engine Optimization programs available. I personally use a program that will analyze the top 10 listing for your keywords and it will tell what you have to do to get your site in the top 10. This program works with Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other search engines. This method basically tweaks your website to match what the search engine is looking for, therefore putting you in the top 10 or even the #1 listing for your keyword!

    Now, you could do this manually by typing in a keyword in Google that you'd like to be listed for, then going to each of the top 10 listings and analyze them yourself to see what they all have in common. But using this program will save you hundreds and hundreds of hours by automating the process and displaying the things you need to change about your website with pie charts and calculated percentages. This is what I recommend to to get your website in the top 10!

    Because natural listings in the search engines is essential to a successful website, there are many "solutions". It is smart of you to be skeptical of SEO programs because the wrong program that uses "black hat" methods could really hurt your listings in the search engines. In my attempts to get my website in the search engines I have been scammed and tricked a few times and my website was removed from all the search engines. I decided if I want it done right (and I don't want to pay a fortune for it) I have to do it myself. This SEO program is from a reputable Ireland-based company in business since 1997.

    I hope I answered some of your questions and hopefully didn't make things more confusing. I wish you the best of luck with whatever SEO program you use.

  3. Long term and the only true way without consistent advertising over and over is to get organic traffic by utilizing the right keyword (meta)phrases and updating as time goes along.  Everything I constantly use and get traffic and sales is right on this page of my site.

    Bans is just one of the businesses I have but the other programs are what I use and are the very,very best, period! They just flat work if you are consistent.  You DO NOT need all the other pie in the sky programs at all.  Best of luck to you!

  4. They are not scams but you don't need to pay for SEO knowledge.

    Pick up the book SEO bible and read Search Marketing City and Search Engine Land.

  5. scaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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