
SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY: Is the republican campaign manager right? Is this election not about the issues? ?

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I heard recently that the McCain campaign manager said the election wasn't about the issues this year, according to him it's about a composite sketch of the people running. Is he right?

Are people really voting based on personality, skin color, and s*x and not about the millions of things wrong with our economy? If so, what does that say about the people of America? Are we really that shallow? Are we offended? Should we be? Just wondering.

*Serious answers only please.




  1. For a lot of people, it is about the issues. For others, it's about how much the person running is like or unlike the voter.

    This election is going to be about which direction the independents lean. Right now, the two candidates are pretty close among people who have already made up their minds. But, for the undecided independents, Obama has McCain beat on the issues (independents will probably not vote for 4 more years of republican policies). So, the only thing the McCain campaign has left is to attack the Obama campaign, and try to sell their style instead of substance.

    That's all we heard during the RNC convention last night: Obama bashing and the fact that McCain is a former POW. And, that's all we're going to hear from the McCain camp until November. We know this, because that's what McCain's campaign manager said this election is all about to them.

  2. He just told you the truth. All you have to do to answer your own question is to go back in history, and look at who has won every election in recent memory.

    Quiz: Which of each two candidate pairs had a more likeable personality, and which one got elected?

    1) Carter (fresh, unknown Peanut farmer/gov vs. Ford (pres who tripped on everything and made verbal gaffs)

    2) Reagan (great communicator/actor vs. Pres. who said we were in Malaise)

    3) Bush vs. Dukakis (this was kind of a tie)

    4) Clinton (aw shucks, I feel your pain) vs. Bush (what's a grocery store scanner)

    5) Clinton (see above) vs. Dole (stick in the mud)

    6) Bush (come have a beer) vs. Gore (policy wonk)

    7) Bush (have more beer, and tough on terror) vs. Kerry (eastern elite)

    In each case (not sure about #3 -- both were bad), the person who had the best personality won, even if people did not always agree with all their positions on issues.

  3. That is the way they want you to think about the campaign because they know that if they ran on just the issues the Democrats would beat them in a landslide.  

  4. It seems to be.

    And, it really seems to be coming from the right.

    The left is talking issues.

    The right is bringing some "Hot Chick" on board.

    The right really thinks that Americans are idiots.

  5. No, the republicans desperately want to believe that this election is not about the issues. They can't win an election on the issues because they need the middle and lower classes to be on their side and frankly the republicans have shown that they are simply not looking out for them. They are looking out for the top two percent with the most money. That is why they shove guns in our face and downs syndrome babys and military service. That's why they bring up social issues like abortions and g*y marriage and they have plenty of money to fund their propaganda because they tickle all the right chins.

    The only "issue" that they ever bring up is this "drill here, drill now" nonsense which is not only patently false but is designed to give loads of more money to their rich friends.

  6. My view of the whole thing is that every thing today is a blame game about every thing.  I am interested in every one working together for every one and not for their selfish purpose. We need more good people with good past accomplishments.  I am really tired of saying one thing and doing the other.  

  7. scroll through the questions that have been asked here on answers the past few days and you will get your answer.......yes it is not about the issues

  8. It's true that McCain's campaign manager said this is a campaign is one of personalities. Should it be this way no, but it's likely for some individuals it is a campaign of personalities. I'm not really certain if it says very much about Americans to the world after much of this country voted George W. Bush back into office the world has lost faith in us. As someone who has lived in England for three years, I know that people have asked why people did this. I don't think that anyone will be surprised if this is a campaign about personalities.

  9. It sure seems that way. Neither camp is committing to anything. The dems brought in Obama for the black vote and the repubs brought in Palin for the women's vote.

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