
SERIOUS>>>My 5 yr. old son was humping a blanket. I was awakend by this heaving sound and?

by Guest32492  |  earlier

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My son ,(I guess came in my room at nite) was laying on the floor next to my bed humping the blanket. Then he stopped and started again. He did this like 3 times and I poked at my hubby to wake up and My son sat up. My hubby told me that my son doesn't know what he is doing and that it just feels good to him.

Ok my son started doing this when he was still in diapers but now he is older and before i thought "hmm it will pass" but this morning I just grossed out ! Maybe that's not the right word but I was. He wasn't just play humping ..... I don't know what to do !

Is he going to grow up being a s*x addict or something?

I have 3 other boys and I have never seen them do this.

Do I need to talk to the Dr. about this?




  1. I doubt he'll grow up and be a s*x addict, but any good stimulation to his p***s will cause him to continue it. If you're really worried, just sit him down, talk to him and ask him why he continues to hump blankets and such. He'll probably tell you that it feels good and he didn't know it was bad. If you talk to the doctor, he'll probably say something similar. Hope this helps.

  2. o its completly normal i have 17 kids 16 of them r boys and thay all enyoy humping stufff to this very day

    its a guy thang so seriously i think the other three may be g*y or do not enjoy plessurnig them selves

    its perfectly abnormal for the older not the youngest

  3. You have to raise serious questions. That's totally unusual for a boy of that age.Either he was abused or there's more than meets the eye!! Counselor, yes!

  4. That is fairly common. Your husband is right, he is just doing what feels good. You (or your husband) should talk to him about this, though. It isn't a bad thing... but he needs to know where it is appropriate and where it isn't. 5 is old enough to understand that.

  5. It's natural, if you want him to stop tell him that hair will grow out of his hands if he doesn't

  6. Your husband is right. Just tell your son that you know it feels good but its like picking your nose, you only do it in your own room where no one else has to know about it and its gross to do infront of others.

  7. I did this also as a young child. I did NOT become a nymphomaniac either, I turned out just fine. It's ok, just don't watch him if it bothers you.

    I can also assure you that a little boy his age DOES NOT think of it in a sexual way, he's just exploring.

    Hope I helped! =D

  8. Its a natural stage of life, a lot of children go through this phase. I believe Freud named it "childish masturbation", also known as the phallic stage of psychosexual development. It should stop eventually, but you should tell your son that he shouldnt do that in public. Dont make him feel nasty or ashamed or he might become confused later in life or feel guilty about his urges.

  9. Some kids just do this, but you might want to mention it to feel better about it. Unless he has been potty trained and all of the sudden has had a set back, I wouldn't worry.

  10. lock your door, someone has been watching LMFAO :)

  11. Masturbation is normal, didnt ur mom give u a book explaining everything?

  12. This is actually very normal, I hate to admit this but I had this as a child myself.  My parents even have video tape of it.  The doctor told my parents to call it wiggling.  Nothing is wrong with the child and most likely he won't even know why he has the urge to do it.  The doctor told my parents the usually the child does it when they need to go to the bathroom.  So to break me of it, if they noticed me starting to do it they would have me go to the bathroom.  After that the urge would go away.  Give that a try.

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