

by  |  earlier

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  1. haha okay serving is a very tough thing to do, and it took me FOREVER to finally be able to do it the "right way" , so i definatly know where your coming are some tips that i actually found extremely important and useful while learning how to get it over and just plain serve well.............

    NEVER stand straight facing the court, angle yourself 45 degrees to the right

    NEVER put extra steps into your serve, just step and drag, thats it

    ALWAYS keep you hips, shoulder, arm, and hand OPEN!!!

    NEVER try to just hit it as hard as you can, take time on checking your form, opening up and swinging through the ball

    ALWAYS try to think about what your doing and where you want the ball to go

    ALWAYS be positive and tell yourself "i can do it"

    ALWAYS ask yourself "what went wrong" if you miss a serve or it does not go where you want it to go

    ***hope i helped and good luck with the serving!!!

  2. You need to make sure you toss the ball high enough in the air so it will go over the net and also you should start close up to the net and every time you serve the ball over the net then you take a step back and before you no it you will be serving off the court (that's where your suppose to serve from in games). You could also try serving underhand if you are serving overhand because i stink at underhand serving but all of the girls that were on my volleyball team that couldn't serve they served underhand and it helped them A LOT but i am horrible so it depends you should try it though and when you get comfortable with the underhand serve then you can switch to the over hand serve. i hope my information will help you out and have fun!

  3. 1. Always remember to check your posture.

    If you are right handed, your left leg should be in front, right leg behind.

    2. Toss the ball properly

    Don't toss the ball too high up/ too in front of you/behind because you may miss. Hold the ball in your extended left hand and slowly toss it up high enough such that once the ball is realeased, your right hand swings and immediately hits the ball. If the ball tossed is too high up, you have to wait and may lose momentum. Remember, before you toss the ball, your right hand should already be raised to get ready or it will be too late. Make sure when you hit the ball, the elbow should be over the level of the ear.

    3. You can hit the ball by moving your feet by abt 1 to 2 steps. But that means you must throw the ball 2 steps further. This is usually for people who dont have enough strength to get the ball over the net so they are using their body weight OR for people who really want to make a power serve such the the ball is moving at a really fast speed and moves in a straight line over the net instead of the 'rainbow' shape.

    4. Relax and breathe in before you serve.

    Dont rush into everything. Do it slowly and properly. Toss the ball right and focus on the spot and hit the ball. If you dont have enough strength, hit the ball with a clenched fist. Afterwards when you are comfortable you can use your palm.

    Good luck!

  4. ur toss is off and u should be hitting the ball in front of u. hope this helps!

  5. Your toss is probably wrong. you can practice tossing the ball on your own by having your left foot forward and your right foot back (opposite if you're left handed) and make sure the ball lands right next to your left foot (tooss with your right hand and make sure your toss is only as high as your arm can reach, not any higher and not any lower) Some people also tend to slow down their arm swing right before they hit the ball when they are learning to serve. If anything they should be speeding  it up. Also make sure that you are hitting the ball with a flat hand. for some people it helps if they take a step while serving so you would start with your right foot forward, toss the ball, take a step with your left foot and hit the ball. Hopefully this helped.

  6. i really need more information to really help you. it depends on what kind of serve you are using. if you can't get your overhand right, just try under hand. or otherwise...if your having problems with the ball going sideways, watch your follow through and make sure your not following sideways instead of straight up(underhand) or stopping completely(overhand). if you want to get more power behind your under hand get lower and push your whole body up into your serve. As previously mentioned, it could be your toss, as is my problem. i have to sit with a ball and toss it like i was going to serve over and over again figuring out how to keep it from spinning or moving out of my line of fire. You should also get your coach or a more experienced player to watch you serve and help you figure out exactly what your problem is.

    Hope this helped!

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