I have abuse issues and can't handle being touched. I hate needles, I hate being touched, I cannot handle AT ALL not having complete control of anything happening to my body. I don't want to control other people. But, my attitude about doctor care is that I NEVER want it, I never choose it. It is always forced upon me against my will. If I had my way, I'd never ever go to one, and so far I have made it to nearly 30 without ever seeing one except for childhood vaccinations. Well, now I am pregnant and will eventually have to bite the bullet and go, but I'm not willing to consent to blood work or any type of female exam- so if those occur it will be by force and completely against my will. They will have to drug me and/or hold me down. "Get over it" and "do it for your baby" don't work on me and anyone who says such things I know doesn't grasp the meaning of a serious phobia. I don't want to be traumatized like this- to me it's like being raped. I don't know how to handle this other than being so heavily drugged I don't realize they're doing anything to me. Naturally, it would have to be with pills as I cannot handle any needles. Are there choices for me, or will I just have to be mentally traumatized repeatedly through this pregnancy?