
s*x!!! What should i do!?

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I caught my 12 year old daughter having s*x in her room with her 14 year old boyfriend! What should i do?




  1. Aha thats funny. But that always happens.

  2. You're not telling the truth. You joined today, and your other questions said that you were 12 and thought you were fat, and asked if 12 year olds should watch p**n. Please stop wasting people's time.


  3. thats nice.

  4. Um, first have a talk with her. Even if you already did, have it again. Talk to his parents as well. This may sound bad, but get her on Birth Control, I know you'd think that you doing that will 'encourage' it. But she's going to find ways to do it. Then you can ground her, for disobeying you, doing it in your house, and not being smart about it. You can't really be with her 24/7, so that's what the birth control is for. Make sure that you and his parents are on the same page. You want to make sure they know all of the dangers. Explain to them that s*x should be with somebody you love, and that it could feel like they're in love, but they're too young to know 100% sure, and it doesn't seem like they've been going out, so it would be too soon to tell as well.

    hope that helps  =]]

  5. she needs to know that that will not be permitted in your house under your roof. Look-this is a precedent-how you handle the first situation is going to reflect upon the future.

    she also needs to know that-uh, that kind of action-is dangerous-STDS, pregnancy, etc.-and that she is far too young.

    i like the idea of maybe taking her to a doctor? I'm also sure there are classes about these kind of things-search around the web. Oh and one more thing-maybe she shouldn't have a boyfriend at 12. You need to hunt him down!!

    good luck (and this is coming from a 15 yr old btw)

  6. dont let her boyfriend go to your house.

  7. yuck..u should eliminate the boy comming over to ur house.dont let any friends come over.dont ground her.but just eliminate what she likes to do.I mean i cant beleive,at 12?dang she musta had alota guts for that thing to go in her.sick...but,its up to u what u gona do,and how u guna do it...make her pay,because i know ur discustd just by looking at her...

  8. she disrespevted ur house so you should disrespevt her by invadding her privacy and take her door off...

  9. well since she is already having s*x get her on birthcontrol ASAP and talk to her about using condoms and talk to her about being safe and not having alot of partners Im not saying that she will but just talk to her about it and explain the dangers. This world is getting crazy It seems like every year kids are having s*x younger and little one is only 3 months old and I am scared for this day.....good luck with everything

  10. she`s only 12 and ur letting her n her room by herself with a guy....r u on drugs...she is way 2 young she thinks she is in love but she will soon learn she`s throwing her life away!!! its ur house u set the rules and she has 2 live with them till she moves out wether she likes it or not!!! ur supposed 2 run her life not let her run urs

  11. you got caught in your own lie

    your the 12 year old.. i saw ur other answers to people fully saying that your 12 ahaha

    and um i hope ur not the one who got caught having s*x by her mother.. :|

  12. call her 14 year old boy friends parents and give her a serious punishment

  13. You need to educate her before she goes any further. Do not tell her that s*x is wrong or give her the impression that s*x is a bad thing. Teens and preteens are curious and they do have s*x. You can't put a stop to that but you can greatly reduce the chances of her getting pregnant or getting an STD. Importantly, give her some advice. 12 is too young to have s*x and tell her why.

  14. Take the door off her bedroom.  She obviously has no respect for you, herself, or your home.  And she needs to always be supervised, and talked to.

  15. do it like freaky friday and take the door off of her room.

    that way you can always see and hear whats goin on in there

  16. ground her. for like forever!

    but first sit her down, talk to her, explain why it's wrong, that in your house it is totally unacceptable, that ANYWHERE it is totally unacceptable for a 12 year old to be having s*x.

    why did you let her have a 14 year old boyfriend in the first place?

  17. scream at her, tell her boyfriend off, slap her, ground her until she's 17, never let her have a boyfriend again until she turns 17. swear at her, hit her boyfriend, kick her out of the house and tell her your disowning her because of the disgrace she has caused. do all of these, or any one of these ( preferably all ) she'll learn her lesson..

  18. liar how can you be a mom at 12 if ur so called daughter is 12 yeah get a life oh and dont watch p**n its gross and plus 12 year old should not p**n stop it you troll

  19. Its your house and your daughter.  Lay down the law before it gets any worse.  Do what my parents did with my sister...bring your daughter to a gynecologist who can talk some sense into her.

  20. Don't let her be alone in her room first of all...

    You really have to sit her down and talk to her...

    Does she even know exactly all the details big and small about s*x?

    She probably doesn't.....

    Talk to her...Ask her if she wants to be pregnant at 12 years old...She hasn't even reached high school yet...

    That's just wrong.

    Sorry and good luck to you.

  21. You shouldn't have allowed her to have a boyfriend at the age of 12...goodness. What the h**l is wrong with everyone these days. Why would 12 year olds need to date?? My God. Just talk to her about how serious s*x is, and maybe put her on birth control before anything crazy happens

  22. She's 12??

    Well, first, get angry at her, and make sure she knows what the rules for that are.

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