
SHE IS Genius or ... Are we thinking like that??? 22 months old baby?

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This is our first child...

I have seen something more from ordinary children.

So I do not know is she normal or genius.



She is 22 months old now.

She can speak the words correctly.

She use these words correctly (in sentence).




-looks like

She can count till ten when she was 15 months old.

Yesterday we gave her a banana and she said.

-Looks like the moon.

(The moon really looks like banana when it is half, and we never talked about this before.)

(All children are-were like that OR?)



She has an incedible memory...

Whatever she heard from us

she repeats after several days..CORRECTLY!

One example:

We were eating icecream.

And I asked to my wife.

-Did you win a free icecream?

She said no.

One day later we were again eating icecreams.

She asked me the same question. (my daughter)

-Did you win a free icecream?

Is that usual?




  1. it is a good girl god bless her invest in her and teach her a lot of vocabulary

    you can ask about her iq test and rate her

  2. Maybe I'll just comment about my own son.  He's five now and is quite "advanced" by typical standards but when someone mentions gifted and response is no...not really...he's a typical child who has been exposed to many experiences...whether they be related to cognitive development or social...etc.  He's a well-rounded child who is taught concepts when he shows willingness or readiness.  

    It sounds like you are a stay at home mom, correct?  I feel that oral language is one of the biggest factors in success with cognitive development.  When you are a stay at home talk talk talk (or a good one does, anyway) all day long.  I bet you talk to her like you would talk to an older child or your husband.  It makes a BIG difference in their capabilities.

    As for counting to 10 since 15 months old...not really too you mentioned...she seems to have a great memory and that will SO benefit her! So she's just rote counting by memory.  

    Banana looks like a moon...Is this something you have said in your daily conversation?  I bet some time or another you have commented that the banana is a cresent a moon!

    This is all very great!  I take the attitude that parents are a child's first teacher and you are doing a splendid job!  Keep it up.  Don't push her...only take her to the next step when she seems ready.  We wouldn't want her to feel she has to do everything perfectly and better than another.  Enjoy that little one!

    Edit:  I just wanted to comment about the term baby being used for a 22 month old.  They are almost 2 years old...not considered babies anymore.  I find that between 2 and 2.5 they change so much that I actually start thinking of them as preschoolers.  Many preschool programs will accept children as young as 2.5 years old.

  3. She certainly has advanced receptive and expressive language skills for her age. It's unusual, but not unheard of.

    As children develop, they often jump ahead in one area, then other areas catch up later. They don't develop in all areas (language, motor, social, etc.) at the same rate. This may make it seem like other skills are delayed when, in fact, they are age appropriate.

    Is she a genius? Possibly, but giftedness can not really be identified in preschoolers. More frequently toddlers/preschoolers are precocious. She may be ahead of her peers for some time, but by elementary school may not seem all that unusual. It's really too early to say.

    Just continue to encourage her interests, language, and imagination. Read, read, read!! Be sure she has opportunities to develop appropriate social skills as children who are more advanced than their peers often find those difficult. It sounds like you have an amazing child and are doing a great job!!

  4. I don't think that it is true but if it really is true then it is a God givin talent. That is not a usual thing. I have never heard of that before which is why I don't believe it. But miricals are true! I mean, she could be the girl einstine. If it is true, You are a good parents to your little girl and she is a true gift from God.

  5. she is good at responding to questions. she may have just had an early spech development, but she will most likly be a very bright person keep her speeking in sentences, and she will most likly be at an advace level in all her classes when she is in school.

  6. She is quite advanced yes, you must be very proud.

    Considering you have no tv though, that's probably why. You've dont the best you possibly could for her. She's picked up proper language from correctly speaking adults with no interference from ridiculous childrens programs.

    She's lucky to have had the chance to develop naturally. The problem is the other children that aren't subjected to an upbringing like this, they are behind, she's normal.

  7. my daughter started school a year early and is identified as gifted. she did things extremely early. at 22 months, she was completely potty trained (it took all of 4 days to potty train her), she identified capital and lowercase letters in isolation, she would tell people her name and then spell it for them (she would said, "It's Brid, B-r-i-d, Brid).

    i've done a lot of research on gifted education, especially in my senior year in college. a good place to start learning about gifted children of all ages (including babies, toddlers and preschoolers) is the davidson institute for gifted and talented youth. here's the link for their website:

    here's the link for their articles on early childhood giftedness:

    when my daughter was younger (she's 7 now), i enjoyed reading and referencing the article called: Frequently Asked Questions About Extreme Intelligence in Very Young Children.

    there is an AWESOME chart in the article called Parenting Gifted Preschoolers. the chart highlights milestones from birth through preschool age telling what age an average child does things and what age a child who is 30% advanced (IQ 130+). i'm sure you'll like to see the part of that chart talking about language development :)

    you are your daughter's first teacher and best advocate. the more you know about her development, the better prepared you'll be when she enters the public school system. if you find that she seems to fit the traits of a gifted child, i suggest reading the book called Genius Denied. EXCELENT BOOK! raising a gifted child is a gift to parents, but it is also an uphill battle.  

    my opinion? gifted or not...raise her as if she is. do activities to spark her imagination. love her. treat her like a princess :)

    if you have any more questions or want to know more about what i did with my daughter, feel free to e-mail me. i don't check this e-mail too often, but i'll get back to you if you do :)

    EDIT: we didn't have tv in my house when my daughter was very young either. in fact, i think we got cable when she was about 4, but i don't allow her to watch tv on weekdays at all. no tv makes a big difference in ealy child development in my opinion.

  8. Yes, what you are describing is extremely unusual.  Such an extreme in advanced language would warrant a trip to the neurologist to check for asperger's.  I am a diagnostic person and prefer to go to specialists and find things out. Anytime any development falls into the extreme range high or low there is a counterbalance of subsequent development that is also extreme.  This is what developmental docs and nurses always tell me.  I have 3 delayed sons, 2 are spectrum.  I would suspect delays in other areas.  This is also true for giftedness (high IQ) being associated with LD, asperger's ect.  On the flip side kids in the MR range have uneven scattered abilities as well.  I in no way think asperger's is a bad thing.  My dad is aspie and he is a psychologist.  Agree with Amber about well-roundedness, I am glad there are lots of good answers here!

  9. it is just toooo cute i think u guys r doing a great job my baby is almost a year shes talks alot says mom dad dog doors cat cartoons and some other words but to put sentences together thats so cute u have a smart baby

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