
SHIN SPLINTS WONT GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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quickly Im going to give u my running background to start...

I started my first year of XC in my freshman year and after the season was over i was really pumped because i made varsity towards the end. I ran for 4 weeks until winter then joined an indoor track facility were I started to get pains, i regrettably continued to run and by the end of december i ended up with a stress fracture. I went to the doc. and laid off it for 2 months then started up again fairly slow. everything was all good for a few more months (by now i was 3/4 way done with track) I started to get leg pains so to avoid another fracture i stopped.

I waited for 1 month then school was over. then i went to camp for a month 3 days later after school ended.I left to camp for a month. I came back started running again and started to feel the pain.

I did go to the physical therapist and i got over the counter orthotics and he showed me a lot of leg strengthening exercises to do as well give me a plan to start running again.

NOW for the part were i am at now...

I've been running for a week and i keep getting the pain in my shins when Im done running, after i ice it however it practically goes away, but re-appears when Im done running even if its 1 1/2 miles. Im planning to go to the doctor in a few days but i just wanted any other valuable information that an experienced runner could give me rather then a doctor.





  1. if your run, its inevitable to avoid shinsplints.  everyone gets it sooner and later and there is no real cure.  

    one method i try, is exerting a large amount of pressure up and down on my shin (it hurts like a biznatch but feels SOO good in the end)

    one way to not really avoid but lessen the pain while running is to get a shin splint brace thingy.  its like a knee brace that goes on your shin with a little gel padding (so it applies pressure while you run).  its a bit comforting but  really annoying because it tends to fall off as you run (maybe the sweat will keep it on)

    good luck and if its not your shins, but indeed your knees, then stop running.  there are too many runners risking those injuries that could cost a lot of heartbreak in the future

  2. i used 2 have rely bad shin splits..

    bacically its wen there a muscle down there that isnt striong enough..

    u need 2 stretch ur legs rely good...

    & ice them afetr evry run..

    & it doesnt mattr how much this hurts but u have 2 keep running as much as u usually do..

    cuz if u dont then after a while u may not be used 2 runnin as fast as u usually do..

    heres a rely good stretch fro shin splits:

    put ur foot in another persons hand..

    ask them 2 slowly push ur foot forward & backward..

    as far as they can & as far as they can get it 2 go...

    then switch feet & do da same...

    it strenglths ur muscles in ur feet & helps the shin splits

    good luck!

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