
SHOOTOUTS! Anyone else think they're cheap?

by  |  earlier

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i hate shootouts!!!!

It's not a realistic scenario in hockey!




  1. I think it's better than a tie.  I think the ideal scenario would be overtime until someone scores, but that's not realistic.  I would like to see overtime extended to 10 minutes and get rid of the point for a loser.

  2. i say keep them but have a 20min ot instead of 5min

  3. I think they are exciting but don't decide which is the better team well enouhg

  4. It is exciting

  5. YES! Shootouts can't be the answer for anything! it's so not fair! I swear if they put shootouts in the Stanley cup playoffs I would stop watching because its not fair and your right its not a realistic scenario in a hockey game! I say 5 minutes of overtime, if not 1 point to each team because shootouts are stupid and the rules are horrible like if someone (say ovechkin) gets a penalty with 10 seconds left in overtime and then he still gets to play in the shootout! THATS NOT FAIR!

  6. This reminds me of the announcers at the Greece Argentine basketball game the other day.

    The game looked like there was a possibility of being tied. The announcer said "if there was a tie in the International game there would be a five minute overtime followed by a three point shooting contest to determine the winner.

    The other announcer called his bluff. Basketball would not allow that travesty, why should we accept it in hockey.

  7. yeah i still dont' like shootouts... plus it seems now when there's a penalty shot, it's not as exciting as before.....i think they should do their usual 4 on 4, then after that 1st OT.. go to 3 on 3... if noone scores , then a tie is ok... ( i personally don't think there'd be too many ties in that scenario).

    and if there's  a penalty, don't tell me you wouldnt' like to see a 3 on 2?... ....wait, im talkin hockey here lol...

  8. I have to admit they are entertaining, but I agree. Regulation games should go into consecutive 20 minute o.t. periods like in the playoffs.

  9. I think they're exciting... but when your team loses in a shootout, it sucks.

  10. i luv them! they're really exciting, and anywayz, the players already get to play in overtime for 5 mins before the shootout. if every hockey game had unlimited overtime, most of the games would take forever.anywayz, they don't use shootouts in the playofffs, when the games really matter.

  11. well, until they change the OT rule, this is all we got.  but i think they are super exciting.  i LOVE a good shootout.  what's not to like?  you get to showcase your top 3 players in a one on one situation against the goalie.  the moves are great, by both the goalie and the shooter.  there's not much you can do about it, so i say enjoy them.  

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