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Theres a poll on Yahoo asking whether or not to keep the Royal family.

Here's the link for the results:

Should the tax money that goes towards the Royal family be spent on other things to help the Nation or are people happy enough to keep the Royal family???

Open question all answers welcome, have your say i suppose.

Thanks for taking part.




  1. I dunno, i mean i really liked the show and everything. Jim is a bit hard on the eye in his string vest though. They arent filming anymore episodes that i know of, and Nana is dead now so i suppose.. yeah scrap it. Its repeated on UK Gold anyway x

  2. I think that as we all pay for them, we should be able to take them home on a time-share basis, and make them do our laundry, etc.

  3. No, we need the royal family.

  4. I like having a royal family but i hate all the hangers on and parasites.

  5. The depth of my apathy is exceeded only the breadth of my indifference.

  6. Yes, they should have been scrapped long ago.

    It is simply wrong in any logical society that claims to treat and respect people equally, or claims status as a democracy, that anyone should be granted status of any kind through birthright. That goes for the entire aristocracy- Lords, Barons, Knights etc.

    We are supposed to elect the best amongst us to rule us through intelligent debat and decision making which is in the best interests of the majority. The monarchy has absolutley no role in this process. We can get a robot to bang a stick on the door of the House of Commons once a year!

    I find it hard to understand that otherwise intelligent people still argue to defend the Queen and her family. They enjoy privilege through birthright that the masses can only dream of, living in castles in the sky, with a fleet of servants and security to keep said masses away from ever coming anywhere near them. I have no wish to hurt or harm the "royals", I'd just like the country to grow up, and become a vibrant and happening place, where we grip the political system, and iro out the flaws in it, in order that we can enjoy a true representative democracy, instead of the current "old boys" network.

    Power to the people, and give peace a chance- to quote a true British great, as John Lennon was. I think the Beatles gave back their OBE's if I am not mistaken- I respect that. What does it mean anyway- getting patted on the back by those who do not deserve to be bestowing awards or patting backs.

    As for the "tourist attraction" argument, what a farce. The millions who visit can still see the palaces and castles, and all the other historical sites. How many actually see the Queen anyway? I lived in Windsor for a while, never saw her. Saw the Duke, riding his horse cart around, which obviously does a lot of good for the poor and needy. My Grandad grafted in a steel mill all his adult life- he's dead now, probably from all the dirty air he breathed in over years, so forgive me if the sight of another old man trotting around the park and the world at my expense as a tax payer galls me ever so slightly.

    Got to go...

  7. yes, I think its time for the monarchy to be scrapped.  If we truly live in a democracy then we should have an elected head of state.  At least that way if we didn't like them then we could vote them out

  8. I for one think we should keep them.  The media like to portray them as spongers who live the high life, but they do loads of charity and then the many state visits.

    I love the younger Royals who don't seem to have the stiff upper lip that we associate with the older Royals, but as much as they seem to have the run of the place I wouldn't swap with them even for a day.  They have had celebrity forced upon them, they didn't choose that path and, for the most part, they act with dignity.

    Who can hold a grudge that they like to party every now and then?  They have a rigid life full of protocol so I don't blame them for letting their hair down and de-stressing.

  9. Yes we should get rid of them, and they should get jobs like the rest of us instead of out of out tax money, if need be they can entertain the tourists and EARN their lifestyle and privilege, we don't need them and they are a drain on the public purse resources!

  10. No. That would just be a stepping stone to something worse

  11. no. They're a half decent example of how people in this country ought to act. They're icons. People love to have them there to look up to, laugh at, discuss.. it's part of what makes britons britons.

  12. Keep the Royals but get rid of all the "hangers on".

    The Royals bring money into the country through tourism. Every tourist who goes to London, wants to see the changing of the guard etc and all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it.

    Without them, we'd lose a lot of revenue.

  13. No we should certainly not scrap the Royal family, we would be overrun by Government officials who would sell our country even further down the line than it is now and don't think we would be better off without the expense of royalty as this government knows how to spend our money now just look at the news! Many a republic have tried and failed miserably. What about all the revenue this country receives by visitors coming here to see our heritage and royal festivities etc?

  14. no   the government is s******g us all as usual, 58p we pay in tax what a vast amount, now how much does the queen give to us? nearly 4 times more than she gets from us, in 2002 we gave her (£35.3 million ) i will not go into details of how it was spent jobs, food, etc, it can all be checked on the civil list,

    the queen gave all the income from the crown estates, this includes shops & office rents from regent street, millbank tower, &300,000 acres of farm land in 2002 this was £147.7 million to our glorious government.

  15. Nope - they are great for the tourist industry!

    Also, think of the Bank Holiday's we get, like the one for the Queen's birthday! lol

  16. Heavens no, tourists like me love them, we have no monarch in the US, so they are our adopted monarchy and bring your country a ton of money from star obsessed people like myself.

  17. they are here for nothing i dont see a point in them but id rather get rid of that stupid gordan brown!

  18.! if Britain had no royal family, it wouldn't be Britain anymore!

  19. I think we should keep the royal family when the farms got foot and mouth it was only the queen visiting the farms which put the sales up again, they do have a role to play and they are our history and culture. I think the Mp's do more harm and take more money from us than the royal family ever do.

  20. No. We would lose 100 million pounds a year without the Royal family.

    That poll is inaccurate anyway. 80% of the public are in favour of the Monarchy.

    They are a useful and valid instition. Can you imagine if one of those freaks without a personality who always wear suits was completely in charge!?

    The President of this scheme wouldn't be democratically elected anyway. Democracy means the people have the power. We would get to choose between two freaks in suits every four years. That isn't true democracy.

  21. Yep.

    They're a bunch of deadweights who serve absolutely no good purpose.

    Scrap the lot of them, I say.

    And preferably sooner rather than later.

  22. Never. Would they rather have a git like George Bush as their leader? No! With such a kind, august woman like Her Majesty it's a wonder that people might want her saced! In my country, Canada, and amongst my own friends, Her Majesty is greatly valued - we think she's rather kippy!

    There have been members of the royal family that ruin the good thing they have going and it's such a shame, they do a lot more than we think they do. We all work for a living, while they don't have to - boohoo, people complain about that allll the time. Now when the day is over you come home and your work stays behind, but Her Majesty never stops working, she constantly is on the job - how tiring! Signing papers, visiting places, opening and dedicating buildings, having to sit through sessions with boring people all the time and working none-stop! She dedicated her life to the UK at a very young age and that dedication should be honoured by the people she represents so well.

    I wouldn't have it any other way.


  23. The money they generate brings in a lot of revenue so they are not the spongers people like to think they are. The Queen and Princess Ann work extremely hard...I wouldn't do their job for anything. I don't always approve of the way they run their lives but who am I to judge. They are part and parcel of our heritage so keep 'em!

  24. Yes.  William 'joins' the Army, next he's in the RAF getting wings which take 3 years to get in 3 months (surprising?), next he's in the Navy.


    Charles never achieved the rank of Commodore yet wears the insignia

    Philip never got beyond Lieutenant yet is now 'Admiral of the Fleet'

    Anne was never in the forces at all yet wears Commander stripes

    Why are they so obsessed with their bloody uniforms which none of them have earned in the first place!

    One rule for them, one rule for everyone else grrrrrrrrr

  25. The Monarchy cost us nothing. If it was abolished we would be worse off funding a president. That would make you and the others who are negative happy . We could have Mugabe, he would sort out this country and you would have no free speech at all. Don't fancy that ? How about Sarkozy or Bush  ?


  27. Of copurse not, didn't you know that they are a big tourist attraction?

    People take their holidays here just so they can see the royals and their palaces.

    Just like people go to Sweden and Holland and Saudi Arabia for holiday, just to see their royals

  28. No, they shouldn't, because thats a part of British culture and it should stay a part of British culture. If you guys had no royal family then it wouldn't be Britian anymore. It's a constitutional monarchy, so a monarch would be needed.

  29. We should follow our brothers across the Isle, and guillotine them. We don't need them, there are other things in London that attract Tourist.

  30. No.  If we got rid of the Queen we would have to have an elected head of state, and that would mean more boring elections.  The Queen does a good job and is cheap at the price.  I want to keep her.

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