
SHOULD Hillary apoligize for what her staff member said about Obama?

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If Obama was somokin Coke and Joints wasen't he buying it from DUGE DEALERS? These Drug Dealers are poisening the minds of our CHILDREN. Is he the kind of man we want to represent our Great Country, "THE UNITED STATS OF AMERICA" ?




  1. No.  No one should apologize for what their staff members say.  That's just stupid.  That's like saying Hillary should be held accountable for Bill's sexual indiscretions.

    It's just as dumb to say Bush should apologize for Karl Rove.  These people are adults and can be held accountable for their own actions.

    People are just trying too hard to look for reasons to hate people.

  2. ummm considering her staff member said it, shouldnt he apologize????

    about the second issue:

    what you say is indeed true i will have to agree with you but maybe he can also teach our children something different.

    That he has INDEED been into drugs and has had horrible experiences that almost ruined his life and with that he can encourage our kids not to do them because he has already been there done that. AND maybe he can teach the teens that are currently taking drugs that it isnt to late to turn your life around and become successfull, look where he is now after all that c**p, he is one of the high possibilities of running the US. but then again thats just how i think of it. there are many points of views.

  3. Drugs and politics must not mix.  Thus, a President must not be influenced by drugs or had never been.  Obama who is related with drugs might affect his quest for the Presidency.

  4. Can you say scape goat boys and girls?  I knew you could.  I agree with lily.  I'm still waiting for an explanation of how she could be president when she's scared of playing with the big boys (that she whines about).

  5. You're right.  All those drugs have a terrible effect on the ability of people to spell.  You should really cut down.

  6. If that's what he said.. Then I don't think an apology is even necessary.. Obama admitted to using as a kid, and he seems to be referring to the drug dealer, from what you posted..

    But if he was calling Obama the drug dealer, then yes... She should, he should, and she may even go farther than that..

  7. She already did, but not because she was apologetic. I think she's trying to be the "bigger man" and it's a matter of time that she'll remind us that he refused to apologize for what David Geffen said about her and Billy.

  8. No - the staff member should apologize and Hillary should fire him.

  9. No he is not, but he mayspell better than you

  10. yes

  11. no, what hillary should apologize for is being a participant in the clinton..."legacy" ..the idea that somehow she "wasnt involved" or "didnt know" is pure liberal pap.

    - The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

    - Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

    - Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

    - Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

    - Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

    - First president sued for sexual harassment.

    - First president accused of rape.

    - First first lady to come under criminal investigation

    - Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

    - First president to establish a legal defense fund.

    - First president to be held in contempt of court

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

    - First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

  12. Yes she should.  And she did.  Obama came right out from jump street and said what he did as a youth.  Hillarys husband did as well, even though he claimed he didn't inhale. LOL  So what's that say about her?  She's ready to give amnesty to drug dealers and open the roads and trucks to Mexico to continue the unlimited flow of drugs in this country.....I'm concerned more about that happening NOW, than a teenage or young adult discretion of the past.  

    By the time these people get to this age in life....there's very few who have a 100% mistake free life.  I would rather they be open about it than to lie.  To keep pounding away at already admitted mistakes is low.  If that's the best one has to compete with, then their stance isn't all that good.

    As far as I'm concerned there isn't more than a couple who I would want to represent me because most don't really care about the American people and this country anymore.  Neither Hillary or Obama is getting my vote.....I just hate to see government potentials acting like children on the kindergarten playground.  Deal with todays issues.  Deal with things that effect us now.  Not coz someone smoked a joint or had a beer when they were typical stupid young people.

  13. Hillary apologize!! she put the staff up to that dumb act. She needs to apologize for her whole life, she has always been a lair, land stealing thief, corrupt in every form you can think of.  We do not need another Clinton in the white house to finish destroying the white house and America.  As for as Obama, he is no more qualified than Hillary is. Hillary hired Sandy Berger as part of her campaign team,  you know, the one who carried confidential documents out of the white house for Hillary in his pants.   Real corrupt people in her campaign team, but birds of the feather do flock together. So, go figure!

  14. I hate a d**n duge dealer worse than the plague.

  15. she already did   and she should have

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