
SHOULD I EAT RAW MEAT therefor save cooking energy to save EARTH?

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SHOULD I EAT RAW MEAT therefor save cooking energy to save EARTH?




  1. No, that's a silly idea. Raw meat is potentially dangerous!

    A better question would be, "Should I stop eating meat, therefore saving the animals, fossil fuels, and workers who have to suffer in the meat industry?"

    You'd be much better off becoming vegetarian if you wanted to save energy. It takes so much energy to produce meat, especially beef.

  2. Clean raw meat is good.

    In Hungary, restaurants sell calf meat -raw, called <Tatar beefsteak> with eggyolk, salt and pepper on the plate with.

  3. better be a vegan & contribute in saving the food chain!

  4. It is not so much the cooking of the meat that damages the Environment ,

    Its the raising  or production of meat that does most of the damage

  5. sounds good.

  6. Better if you do not eat meat at all or if you eat much less, a huge portion of all greenhouse gases are produced by cows and their digestive system (no joke, reality) they produce methane gas which is around 7 times more powerfull than CO2 as greenhouse gas. On the other hand by eating raw meat you will save either by saving electricity (carbon power plants) or propane gas from your stove.

  7. Yes and that also applies to vegetables, including those overpriced "organic" ones that have microscopic organisms harmful to humans that weren't killed by insecticide.

  8. I was under the impression you already did!

  9. no. Because raw meat is not good for you.

  10. no because then it will kill you.

    you could though, just not eat meat, that would be the best way to save the earth.

  11. you'll get food born illnesses,there are many out there so watch out !

  12. You could save energy by not cooking with a electric or gas stove.  However consider why we cook meat (& vegatables). One of the original reasons is to kill the bugs and parasites in the meat.  

    So for me, I would need to be super confident that the meat source is good before I stop cooking.

  13. yes and stop using the tv, and listening to the radio, and using your car, and using the air conditioner and heater too

  14. no if your super serious about that then cook your meat in a solar oven.

    you could die or get sick if you eat the wrong raw meat

  15. ya its good

  16. Only if its Polar Bear meat!

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