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do you think school uniform should be optional or not optional? Please explain your answer.




  1. A list of debating points about Mandatory Public School Uniforms


  2. Not optional. It makes everyone equal, there is financial trouble for some people and they would not be in fashion and therefore it would cause bullying.

    However, teacher uniform should be optional.  

  3. No, because it becoms ineffective if it is optional.  Uniforms are usually imposed to stop teasing (oh, that kid doesn't have the cool clothes).  If it's optional, then the teasing will be worse (oh, you CHOSE to wear a uniform).

  4. i think it should be optional. If kids want to restrict themselves from wearing certain colors of clothes or words on the clothes, etc. then they should be allowed. But most kids donnot like uniforms. Trust me. I'm a kid well 13 but still! I usually wear sweat pants or jeans to school with a shirt that i like from places like hollister or american eagle. Kid's should have the freedom to wear what they want. And even even a school does have uniforms or a certain dress code, there should be a dress down day once or twice a week in my opinion. My school doesn't have a very strict dress code and certainly not uniforms and i pray that it stays that way.

  5. Considering that, in general, my generation can't figure out that clothes are to COVER the body, not REVEAL it, I believe school uniforms are great! It's also a way that kids will be forced to develop some personality other than the one they are judged by when they wear non-uniform clothes (I think the whole "personality" and "creativity" argument is pathetic; shouldn't we be encouraging development of personality as social human beings, not just as mannequins?). I think also that uniforms bring about a feeling of solidarity, showing that, yes, we are all in this together.

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