
SHOULD WE Free Hawaii ?AND Free the Hawaii People ?

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Come on! Don’t let the World think we are doubling the standards!

Free Hawaii! Free the Hawaii People!






  1. In that case everybody should leave the USA to the natives. Not that Im against it...

  2. yes Just when we thought the ceded lands bill was dead, a few members of the House of Representatives in the Hawai`i legislature have gone out of their way to keep it alive.

    It seems their plan is to use a bill lingering from last year with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs as the subject, gutting the wording and replace it with the ceded lands settlement.

    At the same time OHA has been transferring millions of dollars worth of beneficiary lands and money into their private corporations.

    Lands on Kaua`i were transferred into their Hi`ileialoha limited liability corporation, as was Waimea Falls Park on O`ahu. A few weeks ago a half a million dollars went in and word now is another $4.2 million transfer will soon occur.

    All this without consulting anyone, including beneficiaries or even a master plan.

  3. I didn't know Hawaiians were held hostage.  My godmother is Hawaiian and she is free to do as she pleases, plus she speaks her mind freely.  I doubt if she needs any saving.

  4. if you had been there lately you would realize the japanese already have taken it.

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