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  1. Only if you are the size of an atom

  2. this world is falling apart on its own thru natural calamity's!!Check it out "storms, hurricanes,earth quakes, tornadoes,, flooding" the list goes on!! i think the last thing to worry about is the atom smasher!!

  3. don't be even if it does create a black hole it would be a fast death and there is nothing you can do about it anyways

  4. This is already being done in hospitals with PET scanners. No one has been sucked into a worm hole, nor has any dark matter this is created killed anyone yet.

  5. Only if you're scared of what the radiation from your microwave will do to the cells and tisssues in yoru body.  Oh wait, you're okay with all the thought and design that went into your microwave to make it safe for use?  Good then be okay with the ability and competence of the people at CERN too.

  6. 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the LHC' anyone?

    I would really like to know the time of the first experiments at the LHC so I can tell everyone whats going on when the Earth begins to rumble lol

  7. You should if Hawking's Radiation is false. Micro-black holes would then be able to acrete mass until they eventually engulf earth. Hawking's Radiation would cause the black hole to evaporate before it could acrete mass, though. I suggest you keep your fingers crossed -_^

  8. no you shouldn't. although the atom smasher will create microscopic black holes, as well as invisible matter and dark energy, it will be in such small amounts that nothing would happen. this is strictly for scientific experiment. these black holes are so small that nothing will get sucked in except maybe a couple of atoms. all experiments will be well controlled. i would recomend finishing the article because it makes it pretty clear that this is perfectly safe.

  9. If it did create a giant black hole that consumed the earth, you would die, and considering we all are going to die whether we like it or not, and it's not like you have much say in the matter anyway, it will be used.

  10. Nope. Man, I wish I had a tiny black hole as a pet.

  11. Google Nostradamus prophecy

    "century 9 quatrain 44"

  12. I wouldn't worry about micro black holes.  For one, they might not even be possible.  Even if they are possible, the LHC might not be able to create them.  If the LHC can create them, they will probably instantly dissipate because there is not enough gravity to hold them together.  Even if they are stable, they could pass through the whole earth without ever coming into contact with anything.  If they are stable, then micro black holes are probably everywhere anyway.  No, you shouldn't be scared of the atom smasher.  You should learn where the caps lock key is, though >:D

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