
SHOULD i get MY hair cut like this scene hair?

by  |  earlier

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this is my hair now

do you think this hair cut would suit me 'scene hair' i do not want it emo looking btw

or should i go for straight long hair with a side fringe

i like them all :) would they suit me, and do you think im ugly or pretty how old do i look?




  1. cant see but in general "scene hair" just looks ****** up and can make a hot chick look OK and an OK chick look ugly

  2. pfft..

    whatever theres no pic and my advice dont cut it emo!

    ive been struggling for years becoz i had it emo cutted and im not satisfied it looks awful and it has fly-away

    now my hair is bob layered and im satisfied i feel like VICTORIA BECKHAM!

    haha just kiddin

  3. I couldnt get on it becuase I do not have a photobucket account sorry.

  4. way to go.

  5. ahhhh the links don't work ._.


    you should so get it cut fer sure though

    get it long with choppy layers :]

    good luck :D

  6. your links didnt work, but i dont think you should do it!!

    i had really long pretty hair and one day my friend said shed cut my hair  cute and chopped it scene or whatever. it was disgustinggg and i had to hide it from the world. that guys right i went from hot to okay. now i have short hair because i just couldnt deal with scene hair. and short hair isnt very fun!

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