
SINGLE MOM IN CRISIS....PLEASE HELP....hydro question!!!?

by  |  earlier

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we live in a 1000sq foot home.. have no air conditioning the house is in disrepair and since last yr we have lost half our power lines and also lost our water heating .we have MAYB 7 working lights in the house which are not always on ...and we are only bathing by boiling pots of water on the stove...(just to give you an idea of how little hydro i think we are using) for the past 6 months our hydro bill has been about $1000/monthly....yes monthly...does this seem outrageous to you? how can we be using this much hydro? we our on a fixed income of $1100 monthly. i am at my wits end!!!!..i have begged hydro to come out and check the lines they simply will not...their only solution is to go on welfare,which i cannot do because i own a home...i cannot sell my home because it is tied up in a divorce right now,does anyone else have such large hydro bills? what do you pay a month on hydro???.... or can anyone tell me what the cause of this might be. ...ontario or canada residents preffered




  1. You need to get help from one of the following to not only get them to come out and fix the problem but also to credit you for the excessive charges since there is an obvious leak. 1) The public utilities commission that serves your area or 2) Government provided Legal assistance. Contact both. Don't know where you live but $1,000/mo. is outrageous. There is an obvious leak. Also, one way to tell if there is a leak between the utility's meter and your home is to turn off all the water in the house and go look at the meter at the street. If the meter is running, then you have a leak. Good luck.

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