
SInce the Republican Party is now controlled by Liberals will the Conservatives attempt to control the Dems?

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will the true Conservatives vote for the best man for the job or will Conservatives simply vote against a Democrat?




  1. The republican party is not controlled by liberals and the conservatives aren't going to be willing to go any further left than McCain.

    IMO, McCain isn't any worse than GHWB though that is bad enough.  

    Voting against the far left leanings is important to this fiscal conservative.  We will just have to wait and see what the rest will do.


  2. True conservative should vote their values, otherwise it sends a message that putting forth a non conservative is ok. I am going to vote Bob Barr in '08 and continue to try and push the Republican party back to the right for '12.

  3. If THAT is your perception of 'Liberal' I fear for the USA!!!

  4. The Liberals control the Republican Party.? Really?

    How 'bout sharing with us whatever it is you're smoking.

  5. I don't know... a lot of the more old school conservatives that I know are moving towards the libertarian party. Some of them have some deep-rooted issues against things like drug-legalization and abortion, so they're more in favor of Ron Paul's strategy to change the republican party from the inside in or the Constitutionalist Party.

    I like Ron Paul and all, but good luck with that... The Repubs are done and it's time to move on.

  6. Absolutely!

  7. They are trying to control their own party now.

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