
SKIPPING A grade?![pls answer mature people]?

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so im registering tommorow and they said i need to take a test to go on to ninth skipping 8th. what tests do they make you take?

and what happens if you dont pass all of them?? i will also be taking extra classes after school would that help please answer




  1. WOW you are one smart girl :]]] Well they make you take basic standerdised testing such as math, english etc etc. Don't worry if you are smart enough to skip a grade trust me you will be a able to pass these tests.  

  2. wow ur prob really smart...sorry idk but good luck!!

  3. never skipped a grade but probably an aptitude test to see if you can skip the grade, im sure u knew this  

  4. I am so glad I found your question. I went through an acceleration recently (6th grade) and found that it's SUPER easy. They gave me an entire IQ test--I don't know if that will happen to you, but if they do, don't panic. The entire thing is easy. I was really congested and was having trouble focusing throughout the entire thing and still registered at the level before genius, for my IQ. So I wouldn't be too afraid.

       Extra classes... I'd save that for after you get into school a bit. It might be a lot easier than you had first perceived, and the extra work might overwhelm you and it could feel like "there's no point to it, it's just taking up time."

       Another thing that I would recommend is to NOT study for this test. When you're a little anxious, nervous and worried, you focus better. Try not to get too hyped up, though.

       My tests were memory, 3D block puzzles, drawing, word definition, reading and math. For memory, the questioner recited a pattern of numbers and asked me to repeat them... backwards. The test gets harder as you go on, and once you start to fall back, you move on to the next thing. For example, the numbers thing--she started with 2 numbers and I stopped at 11. For the puzzles, I was given a drawing and some blocks and I had to copy the picture. It started off with things like squares and misshaped triangles, then progressed into random blocks all over the place. For drawing I was given a picture that I had to re-draw just from looking at it. When I got to word definition, I was given a few words on a sheet of paper that I had to define out loud. Then I got some more sheets, the words getting harder and harder. Reading is self-explanitory. For math, I was given a small booklet of problems and 5 minutes, where I had to as many questions as possible in the time limit. The questions got harder as I progressed in the booklet.

       Ask the person giving you the test for the name of the exam. If it's an IQ test, I probably just helped you a lot. But once again, do not study. Also, they changed the IQ tests recently and a standard deviation is no longer 15 points, it's more like 5 or something (I can't really remember). So if they tell you your IQ and it's lower than you wanted, don't panic--if it was the old test, it would've been much higher. Ask for what level of intelligence that is.

       It takes a few weeks to process the test, so you won't get your reading right away. But don't worry--it'll come.

    I hope I helped you! Best of luck in your endeavor.

  5. I don't have experience with these tests myself, but I imagine they'll be standardized tests of some sort.  Probably math, reading comprehension, and maybe composition.  There's probably a scale of what is considered passing (that they'll let you go into 9th grade).  For example, if you score a bit lower in one area, but highly in another, they'll average it.  The content will probably be at the level of a test that someone who is going into 9th grade would receive, to see if you can do 9th grade work.  I'm not completely sure though, so don't quote me on it.

    If you get there, great for you.  If you don't, don't worry. 8th grade is fun and life will go on.  Do your best!  

  6. Well when I skipped a grade they made me take a bunch of tests to prove that I can do the work and not fall behind. They should be a piece of cake!

    Good Luck !!

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