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Hey im goin to go skiing for the first time this weekend!! im so excited. But i have a ? what kind of shoes do i take? or do they give you like special shoes? Plz give some advice for the shoes as well as anything else that you think that i should know to make this ski trip go smoothly! Thanks a Bunch <3




  1. Take a pair of hiking boots if you have them, or good leather work boots.  Waterproof is preferred, but wool socks will suffice instead. When you rent your skiis, be sure that the ski boots fit tight around your foot and ankle with only one pair of socks on your feet and nothing else in the boots. Wear water repellent pants, not blue jeans. several thin layers will be warmer and you can adjust your temperature by removing one layer at a time.

    A hat that covers your ears, or a ski helmet that also covers your ears will help keep you comfortable.  Drink water, eat well, sleep at the resort to adjust to the altitude, ice your muscles right after skiing for 20 minutes. Have a special someone massage the sore muscles, before you go dancing or hot tubing.  This is a social sport as much as a snow sport, make new friends and keep the old ones. Do take lessons from a qualified professional.

  2. If you are renting skis, then they will give you the boots for it. When you are not skiing, wear snow boots so you won&#039;t slip or get your feet wet. Also, wear thick socks.

    Wear layers so you&#039;ll be warm. When it gets too hot, you can take off the layers.  

    Wear goggles or sunglasses. Use chap stick or a face mask.

    A beanie of some sort to keep your head warm.

  3. You will rent the skis, poles, and boots at the resort or equitment rental near the slopes.  I&#039;m going to write this as if you don&#039;t live in a cold climate.  Wear layered clothing as the weather can change.  Ok, not so much at the beginner runs but you never know.  You will need gloves, preferably ski gloves but any warm glove will do.  Don&#039;t wear mittens as it&#039;s to hard to adjust boots, pick up poles, etc.  Unless it&#039;s just crazy cold out.  Do pick up some type of ski pant if you can, if not that then a pant shell.  You will be sitting in the snow alot falling down and you don&#039;t want your pants to get wet.  Then you&#039;ll be cold and miserable.  Sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm and some type of ear protection. Don&#039;t give up and have a blast!

  4. when you get there you rent special boots made for skis

    make sure you wear pants made for being in the snow and have the right jacket, hat, extra pairs of gloves, etc.  DO NOT WEAR JEANS.

    also, take a ski lesson. i teach them and i see my students improve so much over the course of an hour and a half, you&#039;ll learn the right way to ski as well as greatly reduce the risk of injury since you&#039;re not just zooming down the hill not knowing what you&#039;re doing.

  5. First of all SKIING ROCKSSS!! :). . . .but wear snow pants, thick gloves, (like the kind u use in the snow) because if u go on a tow rope it could rip ur other gloves. Also they give you these giant boots that way like 5 punds each (maybe more) and are hard to walk in and when u put ur skies on, make sure the front and back &quot;click&quot; when u put them on. its easier to put in the front of ur boot firt (wayy easier).  When i first learned how to ski, i was tought &quot;pizza &amp; French fri&quot; make ur skis in a triange shape (or pizza) to slowly stop. Mkae ur skies parallel (or french fries) to pick up speed and start going. You could prob find out how to turn on ur own once u gat the hang of it.   =] good l luck! hope this helps!!

    email me for more help!
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