
SLACKER RADIO premium?????

by  |  earlier

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does anyone have this on there pc, if so how do you mark the songs as your favorites and put them in save, to be played as you want????? as your favorites.?




  1. I`ve never heard of it before, so I`ll look it up. Thanks.

  2. I have Slacker online, I think theres a button with a heart on it. I think that's how you save songs.

  3. I'm not sure if you can.  That may only work when you have their portable radio.  You can use the "heart" button and teach it your listening preferences.

  4. Hi there, M.

    I have never heard of Slacker Radio before.

    I subscribe to Yahoo Music. I have had an account with Y!Music for several years and I am very pleased with the service.

    Sorry, I wasn't able to help you. :(

    I'll star and maybe one of my contacts can be of help. Good luck. ;)

  5. I do listen to slacker radio but I didn't do the premium upgrade so I don't have all the features. But on the free slacker radio you just click the heart button and it will mark as a favorite and play it more often. I love this internet radio.

  6. Never heard of slacker radio.

    I have to chuckle at this question and wonder...

    Is that radio for slackers? lol...

    Sorry, I'm no help, I know.

    I'll just shutup now...LOL

  7. noooooooooooooooooooo

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