
SLR: Canon Digital Rebel XTi or Nikon D60?

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I'm 15 years old, a beginner to photography, but I have owned a Canon point and shoot before.

My questions to you--

1. I love clear shots, so does it matter where the auto-focus is? (In the Canon it's in the body, but in the Nikon it's in the lens).

2. I'm aware that Nikon has an anti-shake feature, does Canon as well? I'd hate to carry a tri-pod around everywhere just for Yearbook at school.

3. Just rate both (from 1-10) and tell me which you recommend the most for me. I've heard that Nikon's produce better quality photos with more colors etc, but what do you think?

Thank you!




  1. You do need to go to a good camera store and try these out.  What is best for one person isn't for another.  I have the XTi and am very satisfied with it.

  2. Both Canon and Nikon are very good. Nikon tends to produce more noise, but the rest is rather similar.

    I am a Canon girl and I do believe that of those two choices the Rebel is the better camera, but I'm not knocking Nikon in general.

    A lot of it will come down to personal preference - you need to go to a store and hold and handle both of them, see which one you  prefer.

    Keep in mind that you will be buying more than just a camera -you will be buying into a lens system that you'll stick with..... people don't tend to swap from one brand to the other very much. Good glass will stay with you, while bodies change.

    Get used to carrying tripods or mono-pods - IS can only get you so far, there comes a time/situation where you will need more help than that, even though the image stablilization WILL help (either brand).

  3. I have an xti and cant find anything wrong with it.

    image stabilization or anti shake is best done by the lens rather than the camera.

    nikon is notorious for having a softer focus than canon but both are excellent cameras.

    forget megapixels. a larger image sensor is much more important.

    remember that a camera is only a tool. davinci wasnt a great painter because of the brushes he used. the most important part of any camera or photo is the photographer.

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