
SNEAKING OUT! need answers to this one please peeps! thanks!?

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basicly, tonight is the night when im supposed to be sneaking out and meeting one of my friends on the other side of town, im planning to leave at about 11:30, i am not looking foward to the consequenses if i get caught, but i dont really care at the moment, i just want to go out for a bit, and that will be the hardest part, getting out of the house. To get out of the house i have to go through my bedroom door, down the stairs, throgh another door that is loud when you open it over a baby gate for the puppy, past a puppy that is easily exited, over another baby gate and through the front door, i have to do all of this without being heared, any ideas???




  1. It sound to hard, if I were you I stay indoors and forget about it, I don't think it worth the hustle, getting caught will be like h**l.

  2. go out a window

  3. Open the first door, then walk into a different room, leaving the door open, give the puppy some food, and walk out the front door =]

    Or, do what I do and leave through the garage.

  4. I agree with deary me.  I know it's uncool but as a parent, I can't condone sneaking out.

  5. idk if you snuck out or not already but here are some tips:

    -play with the puppy for a bit, just to see if your parents will say anything then go out the door wait abotu 10 minutes if they don't come just say you were taking your dog out since you thought they had to bathroom.- used to do this, worked like a charm.

    - try through your window with a rope - i used to do this.

    - try putting the puppy in your room , a cage, or te kitchen or something, a place they wouldn't expect. go outside but don't look to dressed up for going out, then when you coem back in and your parents asked why were you out say you thought you dog escaped and you went to go looking for them. - works like  a charm.

    thats basically what i did. but don't do it too many times the last one! only once.

    first one is your best bet, but if its a one time thing then do the third. hope i help sweetie. have fun =]

  6. Heavenbo.... said it all, I could not have said it better

    I am going to  pray for you...that you will change your  mind and decide not to go.  

    Stop! Think!  Is is really worth it?

    How are you going to feel tomorrow.

    Whatever  temporary pleasure you will get...if any...will only be temporary. The consequences  on the other hand....could last you a lifetime.

    Heavenly Father, I pray that you will keep and hold this child... your child...close to you. Watch over him/her and keep him/her safe.

  7. You will be caught 'bang to rights' and 'grounded' for a couple of years!

  8. It would be so much easier just to tel your Mum you are sleeping at one of your friends houses, and then go out with them then...

    As for if they want to call a parent, give them someones mobile, and tell the person that your expecting your parents to call and yeh get your friend to pretend you are a parent,,


    I snuck out once, and I planned on coming home early, but I got carried away with the time..  my parents came looking for me and found me across the road at my mates hosue at 2 in the morning.. big lecture.. grounded for life lol.

    Moral of the story: Dont sneak out.

  9. hmmm. sounds like you should try to find another route. back door or window? the puppy sounds like the hardest part. maybe you could give it a treat or bone or something. good luck.

  10. toilet flush bathroom door open...

  11. hard. i wouldnt recomend sneaking out but, keep the 2nd door ur gonna get out of open like around.......10 or 1030. Then be as quiet as u can to the front door. also if u any security alarm, make sure u know the code so u can disable it. if u dont like ask ur parents and just say, "for security purposes in case im alone" but keep in mind wat ur parents might do for consequesnses.

  12. See if you can stay over at your friend's house for a "sleepover".  Then you have already snuck out!

  13. Do not go out!  Show some respect to your parents, and start acting like the man you think you are!


  14. the loud door n puppy are what to be worried bout

    okay so you gotta somehow keep the door open maybe 30 mins before you go out... wedge it open so there wont be noise when you do leave as for the dog i would do something before hand that will also distract it such as a toy or snack

    good luck dont you have a window?

  15. Don't go! Nothing good can happen in your life if you are sneaky and deceitful. The consequence you get tonight for getting caught is only a small part of the picture. Your parents will no longer trust you. That will be with you and affect your life for a very long time

  16. don't go.....just claim you got caught, go to bed and dream about nice things..........

  17. just go through those doors and run as fast as u can U will get caught but u will get 2 meet ur friend

  18. There are many things that could happen if you do sneak out.  1)You could get into an accident and what a rude way to wake your parents up when in fact they believe you are safe at home.

    2) You could go to jail, especially if you two are doing somethings against the law

    3) Criminals usually hang out at night, so you could get robbed, car jacked and even worse murdered

    4) One of your parents could wake up, find you gone and because of the fear have a heart attack.

    5) Your parents will catch you, you will be grounded. They will lose respect for you and will not trust you anymore.

    Now ask yourself is any of these things above really worth sneaking out for?? I would hope your answer would be NO!

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