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  1. you must american....its the best game indoors.its too clever for you yanks

  2. Snooker is a billiards sport that is played on a large (12' × 6') baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long cushions. It is played using a cue, one white ball (the cue ball), 15 red balls and 6 colours: a yellow (worth 2 points), green (3 points), brown (4 points), blue (5 points), pink (6 points) and black ball (7 points). A player wins a frame of snooker by scoring the most points, through using the cue ball to pot the balls in the manner described below. A match consists of an agreed number of frames. Snooker is particularly popular in English-speaking and Commonwealth countries such as Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Pakistan and India. There has recently been a surge of interest in East Asia, with players from Hong Kong, China and Thailand entering the rankings.

  3. hEHE

  4. it sounds british because it really is british :)))  snooker is a kind of billiards played on a larger table, and based on a different principle than pool. on the table there are 15 red balls(if it's cued every red ball worths one point), a black ball (7 points), a pink ball (6 points), a blue ball (5 points), a brown ball (4 points), a green ball (3 points) and a yellow ball (2 points). every colored ball has a certain point where it is placed. the idea of the game is to clean the table (if possible). to avoid the opponent of scoring you have the possibility of making a safety position usuing the colored balls so that your opponent can't see any red ball. he is obliged to touch any red ball on the table and in case he misses and the cue ball does not touch any other ball the opponent receives 4 points. if the cue ball touches a colored ball the points received by the opponent of the misser are equal to the value of the colored ball. the safety position behind the colored balls is called snooker. it is a very clever game because it forces you to use your brain to find a safety position, avoiding giving your opponent the chance to cue a red ball. i hope you understood what i meant, because english is not my own language so i have some issues about expressing myself. good to be usefull.

  5. Snooker is a billiards sport that is played on a large (12' × 6') baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long cushions. It is played using a cue, one white ball (the cue ball), 15 red balls and 6 colours: a yellow (worth 2 points), green (3 points), brown (4 points), blue (5 points), pink (6 points) and black ball (7 points).

  6. a load of balls

  7. Supafly Jimmy Snooka was a pro wrestler in the WWF during the 80s.

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