
SNORING?? how can you really stop??

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i can't sleep bc he snores!




  1. I think there is some kind of night guard or mouth piece that you can wear to open breathing passage up to prevent snoring.

  2. My dad is a really bad snorer so I know how you feel - I can hear him in my own bedroom.

    Does your partner stop snoring when he rolls onto his side, instead of his back?

    If not, then is he overweight? Obesity can cause snoring and weight loss is an option.

    Nose strips and such don't really work, apart from for a handful of people. There are operations for snoring so if this is really causing you problems, ask him if he would resort to this op.

    The only real way to avoid it without an operation, is to place tubes up into his nose so they come back down into his throat, while oxygen is pumped through the tubes, so they keep his airwaves open. Not good.

  3. dont you like shove guppies up your nose?

  4. 1. earplugs

    2. operation

    3. nose strips

  5. Kick him out of the room.

  6. You can get a product called Slumber Guard - which is sold in pharamacies across Australia - and you can also buy them online on their website for free worldwide delivery.

    Alot of people think that their snoring comes from their nasal passages - but most problem snoring comes from the throat.  That's why nasal strips ans nasal sprays often don't produce the deisred result of stopping someone from snoring.

    The Slumber Guard holds the lower jaw in a forward position - keeping the throat airways open by reducing throat airway obstruction.

    The result is snore-free sleep and better quality of sleep overall.

  7. It depends upon how chronic he is.  If it's REALLY bad, surgery is probably the BEST thing, but there are several surgeries to consider.  If he has sleep apnea(a tip off if he's always tired the next day), his insurance MAY pay for it.

  8. After putting up with my snoring and mild sleep apnea for years, my wife finally convinced me to get it checked out.  I now have a CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine which basically is just a mask I wear at night the blows air into my nose/mouth while I sleep.  This really isn't as nasty as it sounds!  Your doctor can explain how/why this works, but if your husband can get used to sleeping with it, it is 100% effective in stopping snoring / apnea.  My wife & I are sleeping in the same room for the first time in months!  And as others have said if he is diagnosed with sleep apnea insurance usually pays for stuff like this.  He'll need to set up a sleep study to confirm this - again ask his doctor. Good luck!

    BTW it depends on the specifics of his condition, but surgery is not always an effective cure for snoring / apnea.  I highly recommend at least giving the CPAP a try first!

  9. squeeze his baby finger by the sides where a ring would be, just sqeeze harder and harder till he grunts and turns his snoring will stop!

  10. People usually snore because they have clogged up airways, and so getting the nose really clear helps.

    Prop up the head end of the bed makes it easier to breathe, so a wedge under the mattress or books under the bed legs might help.

    Avoid alcohol, smoking, and too much caffeine as these are said to promote snoring, along with being over-weight.

    He really needs professional help though because while you are suffering from the lack of sleep, so is he. Snoring is connected to hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and depression.

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