
SO, I've just been told I have an "eating disorder" by you people.?

by  |  earlier

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but I really am fat.

So how do I healthily lose 70 lbs without vomiting what I've just eaten?

I have... until August of next year.




  1. Eat healthy! Eat SMALL meals 4-6 times a day. Eat lots of vegetables and lean protein. Stay away from sugar and bleached flour. That means No soda, No white bread, No pasta, No candy, No cookies. I would even limit the amount of fruit you eat because of the sugar it contains. Keep active, walk for an hour each day or at least 3 times a week. You are young and you should see drastic results pretty quickly.  

  2. maybe join a gym, or go to a nutritionist and they can tell you what foods to eat and exercises that will make you loose weight.

  3. get off the computer and go run

    stop trying to entertain yourself by getting in fights with people over your weight.. thats just weird.

    go run.

  4. exersize

    eat food, mostly green food/plants and not too much


    ask your mom to let you join weight watchers or go on a diet w/a friend

  5. dont eat junk food like chips and etc. work out daily maybe walking around your neighborhood after eating? drink plenty of water and if you sweat a lot that is a good thing cauz it makes you lose water weight.

  6. Cut the fat, sugar and processed food out of your diet and exercise regularly.

  7. well looking at your bmi you would be in the obese area ....but what i am doing to loose weight which has been working for me and is perfectly healthy is i workout 5 days a week,eat healthy and have small portions and drink tons of water ....GOOD LUCK!

  8. ask a doctor, seriously, this is not the place to try to get advice like that

  9. weigh measure you food 1200 calories a day will do it  

  10. eat healthy get a wii and buy wii fit really makes you sweat alot im 11 and i was 106 and now im 94 AWESOME!

  11. see a dietitian no one can give you a good plan on yahoo answer you need someone to check up on you weekly by asking people here all your doing is procrastinating try weight watchers or see a dietitian  

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