
SO CAR TAX IS SET TO AT LEAST DOUBLE well are the goverment completely stupid i will not be able to afford it?

by  |  earlier

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so for me and many other people will not be able to run a car with that and fuel prices so will not be able to get to work no public transport to where i work so therefore will have to claim benefits




  1. Or car share?  Public transport?

    Nightmare, I know.

  2. hi

    I'm a small one man business and i use a car  to get around to my customers

    like others all my bills have risen my house bills have doubled

    my car fuel  has risen too

    i now group my work so i can get round to 2 or 3 customers a couple of times a week rather than keep doing small trips each day this has affected my response time to them its causing me more

    problems and to top it all the lunies in power want to hit me again with the car tax

    are they deliberately trying to put the small man out of business so only the large companies will survive

    i for one have had it with them they have no idea what its like in the real world

    We need a different type of political party as the others arnt any better

  3. Its the same for me.  I live in the southwest of england, there is a bus that runs from my village ONCE A WEEK at 9am on a wednesday morning, and ruturns at 4.15pm, but does not take me to the town where i work so it wouldnt be any good anyway. We have no choice but to drive? What are us more rural people on a lower income supose to do? Sit at home and starve because we cant get to work to pay the bills?

  4. just get a smaller car simple,

    that or fail to tax it

    regards x kitti x

  5. Usualy laws like that are set up to reduce the number of drivers on the roads and its intentionaly targeting the poor drivers. Its the same kind of law that lets a civilian pay $300 to get out of the draft when the average person doesn't have $10 to thier name

  6. i give up with owning a car its just to expensive.

    it wouldnt be so bad if they spent the money on the roads but it goes on other things ( such as the E.U which we get nothing from in return) which is fraud.

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