
SO FRICKEN MAD- what would you say?

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Okay, so this girl who I've been friends with for a year, suddenly stopped talking to me this summer. she didnt say happy b-day to me, or texted me once...which is REALLY unusual. So when I asked her what was up she said,

"I never felt like hanging out with you, or saying happy b-day."

So then I said "Then why are we friends?"

And she replied "Fine, no more friends."

What would you say to that?

By the way, I didnt do ANYTHING to her.

* I know this is in the wrong section, but everyone is here..sorry*




  1. hey you dont need a person like her to be your friend . just bcoz shes not your friend doznt mean its the end of the world..silly girl

  2. say.. i didnt do anything why dont u want to be friends? tell me whut i did wrong

  3. ask her why she's acting that way, did she say it with attitude and like seem like she was avoiding you?

  4. no no no dont even try make up things with her.

    i have a friend the same way n im just gonna flat out say dont talk to me again ahaa. i rather have no friends than people that waste my time  

  5. i would have just asked her is she wanted to do something.... be the big one and say sorry..

  6. i would just leave it alone...

    if she doesn't wanna talk to you who cares its her loss

    dont beg her to be your friend you can find new ones...

  7. wow thats horrible...i would seriously just forget about her because a real friend would never do that to u

  8. I would talk to her alone and ask why she's being so weird. Otherwise I'd just leave it because she's not a good friend if she treats you like that anyway.

  9. well it sounds like shes jealous of you

    you probably are cuter and shes saying all of this to hurt your feelings

    not responding was probably the best thing to do

    because it shows your more mature than her

    and anyway who wants friends who would treat them like that?

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