
SO FUNNY!!!!!!! please star this!?

by  |  earlier

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Moses and Jesus are playing golf. Moses selects a five iron and tees off. His ball lands in the lake.

It's Jesus' turn. "Tiger Woods would use this", he says, grabbing a five iron."But my shot just ended up in the lake!" Moses protests. "You should use a four iron."

"Nope. Tiger would use a five." replies Jesus.

So Jesus swings hard - and hits the ball into the lake. He's walking on the water looking for his golf-ball when another golfer comes along and sees him.

"Who does he think he is? Jesus Christ?!" The man asks.

"No, Moses explains.

"He is Jesus. He THINKS he's Tiger Woods."




  1. Have a star and happy birthday!

  2. lol. That was good.

  3. Not funny

  4. Not to shabby!

  5. That was very Funny , I am going to tell that to my buddies on my next round of Golf .

    Thank You.

  6. hahahahaha! i like it. dont listen to those people that say its not funny. they obviously just dont have a sense of humor. =] && happy birthday! i loveeeeeeeeeee nicholas jonas <3

  7. Ha. Ha. Ha. If I want jokes I'll go to a jokes site sorry.

    Have a nice day.

  8. it was kinda funny. i think its the kind of joke you have to say to someone.

  9. haha!! thats great!!! I hope you have an awesome birthday!!!!!!

  10. And....where is your question?

    No star for you!

  11. I like your joke. Happy Birthday.

  12. Happy Birthday Girl.

    I liked the joke and will be sure to share with my hubby. We golf together...

  13. Happy B-Day.

    Please work on those jokes.

  14. Very funny!!!

    Happy birthday!

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