
SO MESSED UP... opinions...

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Two teens just died in my school and two others with them were critically injured and are in the hospital. Everyone is in mourning, and then you find this:

[It wouldn't work, so do what it says]

copy this part-

copy and add this part- blog/2008/08/04/plant-city-pwnage/

for a full link*

I got so mad reading that, no one knows...

Do you agree with him, or do you think it's wrong? I want to see where people stand.

Thank you...




  1. This is most definitely a tragedy, but it was their own faults. One girl was 15. She knew she was not to be driving with out a legal driver in the front seat with her. As terrible as it may be, she faced the consequences.

    I do think this "michael crook" fellow was a little too harsh. This is teenager's we're talking about! Teens do crazy sh it and it is really a shame that these four ended up the way they did. However, they have only themselves to blame.

    It really is a hard time for everyone, and I am saying prayers for all of their loved ones. I think this man could have showed a little bit more compassion. If this had been 50 year old men in this situation he could say whatever he wanted to. But these are the lost lives of children. It is really a shame.

    So I don't really think he is wrong in saying everything that he did, because in the harsh facts of life he is correct. But I do think that he could've shown a little bit more heart in saying what he did.

    So sorry for your loss. God Bless~

  2. huh? what do these things gotta do w/ each other?

  3. edit:

  4. I think that is horrible. The person who made that website shouldn't be able to say anything like especially because two people died in the accident.

  5. OMG that is completely heartless.

    and about the headlines that one girls is a really popular song so he should do some research before he preaches.

    I would love to drop kick that a*****e in the face.

    Ill keep the kids in my prayers.

  6. That guy has really effed up views on pretty much everything...what he wrote about those kids is truly insensitive and cold.  He needs therapy, it sounds like he was violated by a plunger at some time in life. =]  Don't take what he said as personal at all, that guys just jacked in the head.  And I'm sorry if you knew those kids, that's a shame.

  7. i would find it "ironic" when he dies!!

    spending his life finding others deaths funny, why wouldnt his be?

    party at his funeral.  

  8. I don't completely understand what you're talking about.....

    Oh, sorry, I didn't read the middle part about the link properly the first time.

    I just read it. That's horrible! The person that wrote that is an insensitive idiot.

    What if one of those teenagers was one of his/her kids?

    I'm sorry that those kids died and two others are injured.

    That's sad...I feel sad for their families, and because they don;t get to live the rest of their lives.....And for the two that are injured, I hope they survive and that they won't have any permanent injuries, though I'm sure they'll always remember what happened.

    That person thinks that just because they died/got injured in a car accident caused by them that they're some stupid punks...

    I hope that the person who wrote that someday realizes that what he/she said was completely inappropriate and heartless.

    I hope he/she feels upset for what he or she did for a long, long time.

  9. Kay, nvm.

    But yah thats really rude and disrespectful

  10. OMG that's so horrible! =(

    May God be with you all in your mourning.

    Stay strong. =)

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