And if you feel it is OK where would it stop... Local politics. Tax breaks for the rich... Pressuring employees to vote candidates supporting no bid contracts... Oil company's subtly threatening jobs and benefits if they don't vote correctly... Corporations have to much power in our country and should pay more of their fair share in supporting the infa structure that they use and wear out. Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Lights, Power for the lights, Government buildings and Courts are all used by business to make money for the top one percent and they should have to pay for it .. or you can get out your wallet and pay their taxes for them. Thats the choice. Either way, our vote should not be able to be pressured or advised by anyone. Corporation or otherwise. Walmart has now overstepped the bounds of ethical business conduct and as such needs to be taught a lesson. The only thing Walmart understands is the bottom line. Stop shopping at Walmart and shop Target or Kmart in protest. What do you think?