
SOCCER!!!!!! how do i increase my speed and stamina?

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I need to increase my speed, stamina, and ball control as a forward. How do i? I want to become a fierce/feared forward who has the speed of Mia Hamm and the power of Michelle Acres, with the footwork of Carin Gabbara(i know i'm over exaggerating) Just help please!




  1. PRACTICE:D and get a good coach with good advice, the only way you can! good luck:D

  2. gatorade, is it in you?!?

  3. first off, no one becomes a pro overnight. it takes years and years of practice. plus good coaching and a lot of confidence and gatorade! When my team practices, we do footwork drills that improve ball control. for example, seeing how fast you can tap the ball back and forth between your legs. it helps a lot! so get out there and practice! hope this helps.  

  4. go to and type in speed drills or speed exercises and you will get hundreds of clips showing things you can do to increase your speed. (you can go to google and yahoo and do the same thing.

    As or your footwork buy some cones and practice dribbling in and out of them, also do some juggling and running while keeping the ball close to you. You can also look on yahoo,google, or youtube and type in soccer footwork exercises or soccer jukes or soccer moves and practice practice and practice some more. Good luck

  5. Hi. I don't know what level you play at, but I might have a couple of tips which could help.

    With the speed, I think there's a few things you can do on your own without necessarily needing a coach. Try going to a field or a running track regularly. You can either set a distance with some cones and practice running between them or run a set distance on a track. Time yourself and try to improve your time on each occasion you run- you'll probably need to do this several times a week to notice any big difference in your speed. Remember when you start running to keep low to the ground and gradually bring yourself up as you get into full flow...this should help you improve your time. These may or may not seem like obvious tips, but really all you need is practice, technique and motivation to get and out do sprints often enough to make a difference- that's all it is.

    With the stamina, try running long distances. Eventually, you should try to run for half an hour at least 3 times a week. You can either try a set distance and try to beat your time, or run for the full half hour and try to go further each time. It requires a lot of motivation but again, it just takes practice and pain to increase your stamina. Once you're doing well, try and increase the amount of time you run for.

    Regarding the ball control. Just be prepared for when you think you'll receive the ball to give yourself the best chance of being ready to control it. Then, whether you control it with your foot, thigh or chest, try to have a soft touch so that you cushion the ball. Get someone to pass the ball to you at different heights and just practice and practice until you get it right. Try going to a park regularly just to improve your ball control. For the question of ball control, I should also refer you to where there is a step by step guide to help you improve your skills.

    I hope all this helps. Good luck!

  6. one advice, not to be mean or anything, it's quite serious:




  7. I play for my county and when we improve our stamina and speed we do shuttle runs followed by a 10 minute run, shuttle runs are where you set out 5 cones infront of you about 10 metres apart in a line and sprint to the first cone and back to the start then the second and then back to the start and so on.  

  8. its easy u know, what u do is just to go to player edit and then when u get there, u will then start to build which player u wants to build or u can ever mode ur own player. Have don this several times

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