
SOCIOLOGY: “What are Teenage girls’ ideas about work and marriage?”?

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  1. Priorities are often

    1) Career

    2) Marriage

    3) Children

    Most teenage girls have mothers who work and therefore provide role models as far as employment goes. Also, it's fairly obvious that financial security is important when planning to marry or start a family, especially since so many marriages end in divorce. If a woman's using her husband as a financial crutch, divorce could render her pretty much penniless.

    However, I think women are still portrayed as being mothers and wives before being professionals.

    Personally, I'd like a combination of both a family and a career but balancing them seems to be a stressful challenge.

  2. Seems to me a lot of UK teenage girls just seem to want to get pregnant, they dont seem to worry about work and marriage, the state will provide housing, money etc.

  3. I'll be twenty in a few months, so i'm at the top end of teenager-hood.

    There's a general consensus amongst me and my friends that marriage is serious, and the very idea of it at this age freaks me out a little. Thats a  lot of commitment there, and i don't see the point in marrying only to get divorced a few years later (though that's probably what will happen!).

    I do know people that are engaged at my age or younger, and personally i find it quite hard not to laugh in their faces when they tell me. Harsh, but people should take it seriously.

    As for work, well, any of that womens rights stuff is c**p. We have equal rights. I have never struggled to find a job because of my gender, and I have to work to pay my way. We all do. Every woman does, there are very few partenerships where women can stay unemployed through choice. I dont even think i'd want to if i had the choice, things would be so dull. I'm looking forward (a little dubiously) to having a career, but my experience of work so far has been rubbish shop jobs etc. I dont have to like it, and the time off i get at uni is bliss, but thats the real word.

    (I never want to grow up :P)

  4. Modern teenage girls differ in their attitudes from that of the old generation.  They have romantic dreams, of course.  Often they dream of being a heroine in a cinema or serial and want to marry the hero.  Some intelligent teenagers dream that they would be professionals or scientists.  They imagine themselves to be a doctor or engineer.  Most of them want to marry without giving dowry.  They dislike the control of their in-laws.  They want to remain in a reverie because their age is like that.  Parental control they dislike.  They want to be treated on par with boys.  They are eager to be prominent.  Education moulds them into a different class     U.K.Atiyodi, Kandangali, Payyanur, Kerala, India

  5. As a teenage girl I would love to get married. However I wont have children until I am married and I wont have s*x until I am married

    And as for work...I want my own job....I want to work with people who have disorders such as Eating disorders or I want to be a social worker that works with children....or a part time youth worker....might happen.......

    However if (which I hope) I have children then I will be more inclined to stay at home (if the finacial situation allows me to) and look after them....after studying psychology I feel as though day care is not wise if the child is like me personaliy wise. And go back to work when the child is old enough...but during that time....if I have the energy further my education like doing night course's or something so I don't get tied to the house.


  6. i think that marrige i something that you shouldnt enter lightly and also i think that women have the right to work just the same as men and i think that women can also make good house wives i like women workers i would hate to be a house wife and since we have been able to work and get equal rites it is acctually really good and has done alot for the image of women btw im 16

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