
SOMEONE ANSWER miley cyrus?

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do you think she only became famous because of her father?

do you think she will be the next amy winehouse?

why does everybody like her so much?

i have a younger sister who looks up to her. Miley has publicly apologized for her inapropriate behavior almost 4 times. its getting a little ridiculous i think selena gomez is more mature for the role.

let me know ;/





  1. miley did get famous cause of her dad and uncule

  2. she is so overrated........

  3. i think her whole family is in the biz cuz of her dad. he started it and then every1 else got into it.

  4. No

    Ew shes better then amy winehouse

    Cause shes with disney

    And its to late to change the role!~

  5. ugh yeah i soo agree.

  6. No, the stupid disney show is why she got big.  That fact of who is her father is just a tid bit of nothingness.

    No, I think she'll be the next Britney Spears. Amy Whinehouse is to hard core for Miley.  When Amy uses crack, Miley would use pixie sticks.

    I've heard alot of people who don't like her.  

  7. SHES OVERRATED.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. i dont know why people like her cause i hate her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes and why dont you hear about her brother in the metro station? haha.

    I think she'll be like a christina agulara when she did her dirty thing.

    I personally dont like her and I've never met her?

    I think she's growing up WAY to fast and needs to slow it down.


  10. I think that you're right about her being famous because of her dad.

    I think that her show is ridiculously unfunny and badly done.

    My little sister looks up to her aswell but i don't know why.

  11. get a life.  

  12. OH MY GOSH SERIOUSLY! When Hannah Montanna first aired and miley cyrus was first starting out on disney channel i really liked her. and the show was funny. but then she was all over the place and there was the stuff with all of her picturres and then i actually heard her sing live and she suckkedd so now, i find her to be annoying. but whatever. i think selena gomez will end up doing the same thing. hahaha

  13. I love Selena shes so pure and sweet. Miley on the other hand wow I could go on and on, 60% of her fans are upset with her, shes a role-model for young girls and she keeps taking pictures of herself on her bed in her underwear with no bra on and in white shirts. Oh and not to mention the pictures she took of herself in the shower. Obviously shes not mature enough for an honor like that. I think Demi or Selena would be a better replacement for her. I mean she has the most annoying voice in the world and lets face it shes not a good actress. Anyways I think that if people dont get sick of her by the time shes 18 she'll either be doing drugs or sleeping with well everyone.

  14. Is anyone else totally creeped out by her being two people??!!  

  15. 1. No she didn't become famous because of her father, BUT, her casting calls were amazing and thats why she got the role of hannah montana,

    2. i have no clue who amy winehouse is so i wouldn't know lol

    3. It's good that Miley Publicly apologized, it wasn't her fault somebody hacked her email, what a girl does on her own terms is her business, i'm sure if you took some photos with friends people wouldn't make a big deal out of it, and just because she's famous doesn't mean she isn't going to make mistakes, she's a teenage girl, and they shouldn't expect her to act like a grown up.

    And as For Selena Gomez being Hannah Montana, i don't think Selena is better for the Role, Alex Russo suits Selena perfectly, so why change from Alex Russo to Hannah Montana? Those are two different personalities and styles.

  16. Nah, her father has nothing to do with being famous. It's Hannah Montana which made her famous. Next Amy... hmm, I hope not.

    Nothing against her. Don't watch Hannah Montana. She needs to make the right choices in life.

  17. I wouldn't be surprised if she is only famous because of her father.

    I hope she won't be the next Amy Winehouse.

    I don't really know why most Disney stars get so popular.

    I feel kinda sorry for alot of these kids that have to grow up in front of a camera. My teen and p*****n years were hard enough without everyone seeing every weird thing I did or mistake I made in the process.  

  18. okay,Im so sorry.just pls don't encourage little kids to hate me too.Im getting so much hate now,but Im still doing my best,like my album I composed all of them without my father's help.and im doing all the best that I have to get in this position.Im so sorry if you hate me so much.

  19. My 7 yr old daughter LOVES her music! Im pretty sick of it though. My daughter has no idea about her 'other' behaviour either. I dont think shes famous just because of her dad, she is lucky 2 be brought up by sum1 in the music industry but she is talented. I really dont think she`ll end up like winehouse but she will prob hav a few issues, wouldnt u if u where famous ay 14? And im 28 and i really like her song 'cant wait 2 c u again'!

  20. Everyone just stop this leave the poor girl alone.  

  21. OMG!!


    There are these random kids at my school and someone will just have to say Miley and all you hear is "I love miley!" and most of them are in year 10!(there ar eyear 7s, 8s and 9s that say it too)

    Its so weird.. how could you like her???! SHES SO ANOYING!!!!!!!!!!

    and her songs arint always that great.. I only like 'see you again'

    but thats just my opinion  

  22. i agree

    i hate her

    everybody says shes gonna be the next britney

    and i agree

  23. disney has a history making overnight carbon copy manufactured stars and nickolodeon hannah montanna is the same thing

  24. Father Probably

    Probably Not Amy Winehouse

    I Am Not Sure Like Her So Much

    I Agree 4 Times

  25. 1) I think so. She was probably a bratty child who demanded to be famous, so her Daddy gave some money to Disney, and off she went.

    2) I doubt it, I'd say maybe the next Britney Spears, a.k.a pregnant early (ish) and crazy

    3) She's cute, so little girls look up to her. Anyone over 15 should get a clue though. She can't even sing that well.

    Don't worry, your sister will grow out of it.

  26. its just another brainwashing conspiracy and to tell you the truth she scares me, Alot.

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