
SONOGRAMS? help with understanding them?

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i had a sonogram done about a week ago just to make sure everything was going smoothly... well at the sonogram they showed me just 1 baby... today was my first prenatal and in her reports there is suspicion of a 2nd sack with a baby... i am still pretty early along so we could not find the heart beat today but i am not worried about that... and we have to wait til i am 20 weeks to do another sonogram!

they also said slight possibility of a amniotic band... what exactly is that?

please give knowledge and advice... i am only about 11 weeks along




  1. Same thing happened to me the ultra sound tech thought she saw two babies one sack, around the same time as you maybe a little earlier, I went back at 14 weeks only one baby.......found out that day I was having a boy.  But everyone is different that's just my experience. Good luck! And wont give you more then you can handle!

    30 weeks pregnant 1st baby!

  2. if there is another sac then your doctor will recommend another ultrasound sooner.. its not that u will have to wait till 20 weeks.. if the doctor has told u hat he/she will not be doing another ultrasound till 20 weeks then u have to go to another doctor.. i would be surprised that a doctor can take something like multiple pregnancies soo non-seriously..

           amniotic band is not something i am familiar with.. u can check on the internet for that.. best of luck

  3. Don't worry unless you have pain or bleeding. I have twins and I didn't find out until I was 3 1/2 months. See if you can get an ultrasound in the meantime because it would be helpful to know how many prenatal pills you would have to take. I had to take two everyday. I do find it odd that your doc wants to wait so long because it is considered a high risk pregnancy when you have twins. Most twins come out prematurely and they need to be monitored closely. Ask the doc the next time you go what the amniotic band is and they'll tell you. Good luck.  

  4. Hmm, well, if it were me, I'd have to seek a second opinion if the doc wasn't going to do another u/s until 20 weeks!!  Multiple pregnancies have special needs, so I wouldn't be content to just sit and wait...just me though.

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