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Will the Sony A-350 and a A-mount 70-300 mm sigma lens work well for wildlife photography




  1. Yes It Will..

    Depending On How Close You Must Get..

    if you need to be really far away...

    use a 600mm lens...

    if you don't have to be as far away

    use a 70-300mm lens.. that's a good lens.

  2. It should be okay.  You may have to use high ISO's when shooting animals at dawn or dusk when they are out feeding so you can shoot at high enough shutter speeds to capture them without subject movement ... of course using a tripod under these conditions is nearly imperative.

    Eventually you will want to save your pennies and buy a nice 400 mm f/2.8 lens (although you will have to wait, since Sony doesn't make one ... yet), so you can shoot at lower ISO's.  Currently the longest Sony makes a 300 mm F2.8G or a 500mm F8 Reflex lens (a little slow for low light photography).

  3. Yes and no. Most wildlife shooters use a 2.8 aperture when shooting and a 70-300 will cost you at least 2 grand. And I would not invest in Sigma. I'd get a Sony if they make one.

  4. Agree with what Gator said to a point  look round for a second hand Minolta 300mm F4 I bought one new about 5 years ago and use it often, I've also got a Sigma 400 F5.6 The Minolta knocks spots off of the Sigma.
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