
SOmething pubertie?helpdjgkldf?

by  |  earlier

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how do you know if you start pubertie or not? can you list the things for me? So i know i am 13 right now.




  1. 1. your voice is becoming deeper

    2. your shoulders are broader

    3. armpit hair and pubic hair

    4. wet dreams

    5. searching for p**n teehee

    6. adam's apple is becoming visible

  2. If you start getting erections, start getting pubic hair, underarm hair. Voice will eventually "crack" and start changing. Wet dreams possibly. Etc.  

  3. when you start having any sexual feelings for your siblings

    that's when you know for sure!

  4. See

  5. You will know, believe me!  You will feel restless, sometimes achy, sometimes feverish, moody, develop an attitude of sorts, hormones begin to rage, growth spurts, maybe start facial hair, underarm hair,  sexual feelings, pubic hair, know it all, won't listen to reason and not necessarily in that order on any given day.  It's an awesome ordeal & it doesn't come & go in just a few days.  It can last for a number of years.  Just hang on with both hands & enjoy the trip.  You'll make it.

    For more information, type in Puberty on your computer.  Page will pop up w/ various websites.  Click on the top one of the page - Signs of Puberty, When that page pops up click on Boys & Puberty.  Good information you might understand.

  6. voice cracking

    hair growing

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