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I got 8 spacers yesterday cause I'm getting braces in 2 weeks and when i got them they didn't hurt at all i was like wow its not going 2 hurt at all well..... now they hurt like REALLY BAD...Wat can i do 2 lessen the pain of eating and all that?




  1. lol, yes, welcome to the world of corrective dentistry!!  It hurts pretty bad like this most of the time until the teeth stop moving, so you might as well start on lessening the pain.  


    When your teeth hurt really bad, like now, and when your braces are adjusted later, you will want to avoid any kind of food that requires a lot of chewing.  Steak is definately not going to be your friend right now!  Go for foods like pasta, and soft sandwhiches, nothing tough.  Mac'n'cheese, yogurt, ramen noodles, grilled cheese sandwhiches, and mashed potatoes are your new friends.  When you eat things like sandwhiches or pizza, it helps if you just tear off a bitesized piece instead of biting into it.  Not only does this not hurt your mouth, but it means that you won't have a lot of food stuck in your braces later on!

    Medicine helps, a lot.  Try a regular supply of tylenol or aspirin until your teeth don't hurt as bad.

  2. Take advil!

    I ate lots of pudding, and jello or other soft foods.

    And heads up,

    Braces are SO MUCH worse.

    Good luck. :]

  3. My 9 year old daughter just had that done and i gave her Motrin or Ibuprofen and i put orajel on her gums to try to ease the pain a little... she actuallt did pretty good after that... they wont stay sore too long.....

  4. If your teeth are sore today it means the spacers are doing there job.  Creating space for the bands to go on, warm salt water helps irritiated gums and that is what is actually hurting. The gum tissue is being forced to move a milimeter in a direction it hasn't had to move. which bothers your gums, and take some ibprophen will help. It will go away soon.

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