
SPATFA stands for Specific Penial and Testicular Functional Abnormalities, but what does this mean?

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and how would I use it in a sentence?

Some people have told me that it has something to do with when your voice breaks but I can't find anything to back up this claim.




  1. In urban language it is a condition relating from trying to squeeze into AFL shorts (or just very small ones)Also it means

    Temporal increases in the incidence of certain hormone-dependent cancers and the relationship between reproductive health and cancer may be linked to rising levels of endocrine-disrupting contamination in the environment (Weir et al. 2000). Such a possibility poses the question as to whether these phenomena are part of the same syndrome. To support this suggestion, there is growing evidence from clinical and epidemiological studies that indicates a synchronized increase, a possible common cause, and a toxicological mechanism for a variety of abnormalities in testicular development and function. This condition, termed "testicular dysgenesis syndrome," comprises testicular cancer, lowered fertility and cryptorchidism, and hypospadias (Sharpe 2003; Sharpe and Skakkebaek 1993). Moreover, the origins of the endocrine disruptor hypothesis may be traced to reports on adolescent daughters born to women who had taken the highly potent synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) while pregnant. Many of these daughters developed reproductive tract abnormalities and clear cell adenocarcinoma of the v****a and cervix, thus illuminating the causal association between developmental exposure to DES and reproductive cancers (Greenwald et al. 1971).

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