
SSRI Withdrawal Anxiety (Zoloft)?

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Dose was reduced to 50mg for 3 weeks. MD said to reduce dose to 25mg x 1 week, then to 12.5mg x 1 week. This taper schedule is consistant with online sites. At 25mg, I'm getting terrible anxiety which neither Xanax or Benadryl is helping. Had the brain zaps for a 3 days and it went away this morning. I feel very shaky too. Can this be normal coming off an SSRI ? Still at 25mg




  1. it's definitely normal. i was on Paxil for 8 years, and it was horrible trying to taper down. SSRI's are known to be difficult in getting off of. tell your doctor IMMEDIATELY that you don't feel well and are having bad symptoms. you shouldn't have gone down to 25mg! you should have gone down to 37.5, taking a 25mg and a 12.5mg, and stayed on that until you feel comfortable..AND THEN try 25mg. you have to tell your doc you need to go back up to 50 and then start tapering at a better, more convenient, more healthy schedule for you. good luck!

  2. This does sound normal. Anti-depressants are addictive in the traditional sense of addiction, but your brain get used to them and you need to come off of them very slow. Speak with your doctor, perhaps you need to taper off a little slower.

  3. Very normal.  I went cold turkey and was a mess for about 3.5 weeks.  It is normal even when titrating to still have symptoms of withdrawal.  If you are having such bad reactions you should stay at 25mg for longer.  Give your doctor a call.  He might suggest staying on 25mg for 2 weeks instead of one.  Coming off of SSRI are pretty hard.  As much as they help when on them, it's just as hard coming off.  Stick with it though.  You'll be past it soon enough. :)


  4. I am on Citalopram and even if i miss it for 2 days or so i get withdrawl symptoms

    Even though they are said to be non addictive it is concerning

  5. Read this

    and then explain to me why you put this toxic poison in your brain.

    explain to me what kind of scientific test you saw that your doctor took to determine  your brain state was defective.

    The answer is none and there is no excuse for abusing your neurology like this... you get everything you deserve in withdrawal.

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