
STAR TREK NEXT GENERATION FANS PLEASE HELP!!What are there for ultimatums in Star Trek Next Generation?

by  |  earlier

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Could u give me as many examples as u can think of and if u know the episode title or at least the season that wuld be great, too! i am more of thinking ones were the evillish people threaten the crew i.e. if u, cap picard, don't build a death ray for me, i will kill deanna. lol just made that one up off the top of my head.




  1. I'm not really sure I understand the question, but I'll take a stab at it:

    Ultimatum: Captain Picard in three different time periods used an anti-tachyon beam in the Devron system and created an anti-time anomaly that got larger in the past, and would eventually destroy our galaxy.  Q gave Picard the ability to jump between those three time periods in order to solve the problem.  Therein lies the ultimatum.  Solve the paradox, or destroy humanity and the entire galaxy.

    "All Good Things", final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  2. How many times are you going to ask this?  It's getting boring.  You seem like a very intelligent person - why not ask something new?

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