
STAR TREK <span title="question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?">question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Those games they play in the holo-deck.

You'd think in the 24th century that they could come up with better ones and have a cure for baldness (Jean Luc Picard)




  1. Not all the programs on the holodeck were dumb. On Voyagers third season in the episode &quot;Worst Case Scenario&quot; it was a training program a &quot;what if&quot; scenario if the Maquis took over the ship. I would of loved to have a program like that it had a great story to it, not too mention the entire crew played it over and over again. Some of the games do sound pretty strange mostly on TNG, hmm I forget the names of them now. Come to think of it I wish I had a holodeck. I would love to have programs getting it on with some of the women on TNG and VOY; thats as far as i&#039;ll go:)

    With Picards baldness I mean that&#039;s sort of hard to comment. Yes there is hair transplants and there would be some that wouldn&#039;t want that so, its a personel matter. Some would go for it some won&#039;t

  2. you&#039;d also think by now we&#039;d have better heatlh programs in service, and a more efficient energy system... but we don&#039;t...

  3. OK first off in a holo deck you can do anything you want unless you are using a holosuite program that runs specific program parameters. and is usually period specific i.e the Vic Fontaine program in ds9 as opposed to what they do on the holo decks in voyager. Second in case you never took the time to notice patric stewart is bald, and so where half of the captains in star trek. like dude above me said it a life choice.

  4. Surely the holo deck would get used mostly for p**n.

  5. bald and proud, makes the ladies weak at the knees. why throw that away?

  6. Hair can be used as a weapon against the person with it....Pull it and see!!!

    Many people shave their head, so why not imply that this is what P S did?

    Also my dad said that  being bald is a solar panel for a s*x machine!!

  7. its his style dude!!! can you even imagine him having lots of hair?? 0.o

  8. Baldness isn&#039;t a disease, it&#039;s a way of life.

  9. The good Lord made only so many perfect heads. He put hair on the rest.




  10. you might be right.

    but as baldness is a part of people&#039;s genetic make-up, you COULD argue that its much better to accept it, than to change it.

    the same way a woman COULD artificially enhance her bust-line these days, even though her natural appearance is attractive, just not Pamela Anderson, so silicone!

    or if you consider baldness to be ugly, perhaps we can change that... or maybe he is too short... change that... perhaps you don&#039;t like the color of his skin... change that...

    Freud would have a field-day with all the wackos.

  11. wasn&#039;t he voted the most handsome man in America. maybe he had the cure for intimidation due to hair loss.

  12. You would think wouldn&#039;t you? At least in DS9 Quark makes good use of the holo-suites with all those Risan love slave programs!!

  13. OK first off in a holo deck you can do anything you want unless you are using a holosuite program that runs specific program parameters. and is usually period specific i.e the Vic Fontaine program in ds9 as opposed to what they do on the holo decks in voyager. Second in case you never took the time to notice patric stewart is bald, and so where half of the captains in star trek. like dude above me said it a life choice.OK first off in a holo deck you can do anything you want unless you are using a holosuite program that runs specific program parameters. and is usually period specific i.e the Vic Fontaine program in ds9 as opposed to what they do on the holo decks in voyager. Second in case you never took the time to notice patric stewart is bald, and so where half of the captains in star trek. like dude above me said it a life choice.

    OK first off in a holo deck you can do anything you want unless you are using a holosuite program that runs specific program parameters. and is usually period specific i.e the Vic Fontaine program in ds9 as opposed to what they do on the holo decks in voyager. Second in case you never took the time to notice patric stewart is bald, and so where half of the captains in star trek. like dude above me said it a life choice.

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