
STILL haven't started!! Day 50!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I just learned about charting and FAM and all of that, and we were going to start TTC this month. I figured as soon as i started my period, I would start charting and everything would be hunky-dory. Not so much! I am on day 50 of my cycle and still haven't started. Now, that are a couple of mitigating factors, first is, I am still nursing my 15 month old. I had been having regular (33 day) cycles for about 4 months prior to this cycle. Second, I took oral ketoconozole for one month during this cycle. I am about to lose my mind!! If it was not for the whole TTC thing I probably wouldn't even care! But I am losing my MIND!! Any one have any ideas on what could be up or what to do??

Oh yeah, I also took a HPT about day 40 and i am pretty sure I ovulated about day 20 or there abouts. Anyway....HELP!




  1. well im on day 47 no period yet and took 2 tests one came out invalid the other came out negative i go every 34 days (28-34days) dr told me take another test and if by day 60 nothing then to go in to find out if im preg or something else  

  2. If I were you I would contact my doctor and tell him the situation and see what he says.

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