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I live in a semi detached bungalow and my bedroom backs on to the neighbours bedroom , i have had huge problems as the walls have no cavity in them , i have added a layer of 15mm acoustic plasterboard on resilient bars with sound proof fibreglass in between them but although it seems to of helped it has not cured it , i have also layered a layer of carpet down in the loft , could the sound still be coming through the loft into my room or is the wall the culprit still?? has anyone any experience soundproofing lofts and had anyone any more ideas of what i can do to cut out the sound from next door more ??




  1. I would ask them to quiet down. Is the sound at night? If it is during the day there is not much you can do about it. But if it is during the day and you have to sleep or something, you can still ask. Most people want to get along, and will try. If not report them to the land lord, then you can go to the police. Also they should have carpet to help cut the sound down also.

    Sound will travel through solid surfaces. What sound proofs is the space between  two walls. You'll need to put up another wall with an air gap... Or you could move your bedroom to another wall / room in the apartment.

  2. I have noisy neighbours as well.

    I drilled a large hole through the wall and shoved a hose pipe attached to a 27kg gas bottle and took a photo and posted it through their letter box.

    The noise stopped.

    I did have a visit from the Police but owning a bottle of gas a drill and some hose isnt against the law.  

  3. Haha Rich S, love your answer!!

    I would say the quickest and easiest thing to do would be to go round and speak to them politely about the problem. I know its awkward, but it will save you stress, time and money in the future.

    Whatever you do dont bang on the walls though, my downstairs neighbour at my old place used to bang on her ceiling if I dared to walk across a room, or put a cup down, it was ridiculous and she made me miserable. Since then I've been constantly aware of any noise I'm making, or my partner is making. I hate it an I drive my partner mad with 'thats too loud', 'turn that down', 'stop banging around'. Because I'm so aware of our (probably quite friendly!) neighbours at our new place So please dont make them feel threatened haha!

    So I would recommend going round to speak to them, but if that doesnt help  guess some decent soundproofing with cavities would be best.

    Wow looks like I needed to vent that haha

    Good luck getting it sorted xx

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