
STRANGE DREAM what the heck does it mean?

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I was shopping. There were strange homeless people after me so i ran in between the aisles to get away. then I steped into a aisle and it was a school and there was a man snorting cocaine in the next room over and it seemed like I was surrounded by men who were no good or harmful. then I ran out that door and was at Publix again and was chased home by the hobos where I gave birth to a baby girl. But i didnt kno I was pregnant when I gave birth it was like I was waiting in a dentists office to get a teeth chek or something. I felt no pain. My mom was the one in front of me and she told me when I delivered this kid "5lbs and 6 oz. hut hut! and she ran with the baby into a helocopter. So I got up and ran my butt to Publix because I knew she'd be there and when I got thr everyone asked me who the father was and I thought God was because I was still a virgin I held my baby and saw that she was the most pure beautiful being I had ever seen and I had to protect her from the evil around us




  1. Shopping indicates your needs and desires.

    Being chased by homeless people indicates that you are avoiding either someone else's or your insecurities.

    Going through the aisle indicates your ability to move forward in life with some confidence.

    The school signifies a childhood anxiety that was never resolved and a lesson to be learned.

    The cocaine user signifies an emptiness, or denial of a commitment or responsibility.

    The feeling of harm or danger indicates that you need to be more cautious about certain aspects of your life.  Getting away from that danger signifies your ability to rise above your challenges.

    Running through the door signifies the presence of a new opportunity to explore yourself or to let others get to know you.

    Running home, and away from the hobos signifies you finding a sanctuary away from your insecurities.

    You giving birth signifies your anticipation or anxiety for a new idea or upcoming event.

    Seeing your mother signifies a nurturing aspect of yourself.   Her saying "hut, hut," may signify your sillier nature, but the kidnapping may be an unfulfilled goal.

    The helicopter signifies ambition in pursuit of your goals.

    Your virginity represents your purity and potential.

    Your need to protect your baby signifies an emotional barrier between you and others.

  2. Stop eating spicy food before that was whacked..

  3. Uhhh got me there. I dont know much about dreams but it probably means you want a baby or you are in love.

  4. Wow, sometimes dreams don't have a reason. A dream is what you are thinking of when you are asleep and YOU make it up. But if it was to mean something I think you are scared of getting pregnant.

  5. I need more information to interperet I'm afraid as I can only see small from this explaination. Shopping =searching, Hobos=Needs, Aisle=selection of influence, Baby girl=Perhaps renewal, Mother=Loving influence, Helicopter=Ministry with higher elevation, Publix=Self, Purity of child=Perhaps epiphany? Still need more but have an Idea. You're searching yourself for what you want but are ignoring your needs. As the selections or influences in your life are not matching your needs. And perhaps what you need is to experience an eppiphany or renewal through listening to those you can trust that you love you truly. And want you to reach higher potentials even when you don't, so that you might see the truth of your surroundings of those around you and the influences that you are following.

  6. What a cool dream!  I'm not sure what it means, but it seems it ought to be interpretable; so let's go through it step by step.

    First, dreams generally are what happens when different parts of yourself interact.  It's like online gaming, where any part of you that has something to say logs on, adopts a persona, and acts out in whatever way seems most appropriate to that part.  So, dream-strangers are parts of yourself you're not aware of; dream-friends are parts of yourself you find helpful; and so on.

    Now let's look at your dream:

    > I was shopping.

    Shopping is where you seek out and acquire new desirable stuff.  You also pay for it; but the emphasis here seems to be on the seeking out.  So we'll look for that.

    > There were strange homeless people after me so i ran in between the aisles to get away.

    Okay, so these homeless people are a part of you.  I'm guessing that they're the part of you that wants to tell yourself that you won't find what you're seeking through commerical, material acquisition.  

    You find that message a little threatening -- it's easier for us to buy stuff than to really take care of our emotional needs; it's not good to go without stuff; and you're not present to that doubt -- so you color those parts of yourself as strange and homeless (that is, privation of material goods).

    > then I steped into a aisle and it was a school

    Ah, very good.  What happens in a school?  You learn things, don't you?  So your inner mind is being as clear as it can that it wants to teach you something.  What's the lesson?

    > and there was a man snorting cocaine in the next room over

    The lesson has to do with addiction.  Are you addicted to materialism?  Does buying stuff get you high?  (I have to admit, I just bought a pair of sunglasses I don't honestly need...  so I do it too.  They're cool, though.)

    > and it seemed like I was surrounded by men who were no good or harmful.

    Ok, the "no good" and "harmful" is the way the dreaming-you is coloring them.  And the dreaming you is the you that shops.  So, they represent the desire to be thrifty, or to curb your materialism, or something threatening to the part of you that has that desire.

    > then I ran out that door and was at Publix again and was chased home by the hobos

    Ok, so this is what happened:  Your shopping-mind has been contacted by your frugality-mind, and ran away.  Then your shopping mind was told, No, look, you need to learn something about addiction -- but your shopping mind found that threatening.  

    Then, starting over, your shopping mind has its shopping again interrupted with an attempted contact from your non-materialism-mind.  (I think it's not about frugality, because the image was that shopping is a drug; that's not a concern for cost, but for overindulgence.)  And again, your shopping-mind flees the contact, and goes home.

    Home is safety, but it's also a representation of one's greater self.  So, it seems your shopping-mind runs to the safety of you-as-a-whole, which is a good move:  so we'll see what you as a whole have to say about this conflict.

    > where I gave birth to a baby girl.

    Ah-ha!  Excellent.  This is a really cool dream.  You have as a result of this a new "conception," which is not just a new idea but a whole new approach, a new way of doing things, a new part of yourself.  We're not sure what it'll be yet, but this is your new-way-of-doing-things-mind:  not very strong yet, but it'll grow.

    > But i didnt kno I was pregnant when I gave birth it was like I was waiting in a dentists office to get a teeth chek or something.

    You didn't know:  sometimes we surprise ourselves by changing suddenly.  That's because there's always more to us than we can at any one time know.

    > I felt no pain.

    So it's a painless transition.

    > My mom was the one in front of me

    Ok, so she performs a kind of midwife role; she ensures the new part of yourself comes into the world safely.  Now, this is good, because a person's mom is responsible for their safety and well-being.  So this part will facilitate your safety and well-being, and therefore your mom cultivates it.

    > and she told me when I delivered this kid "5lbs and 6 oz. hut hut! and she ran with the baby into a helocopter.

    Ok, kinda military.  And what is the military about?  It's about self-discipline.  Also, this new part of you is born of your shopping-mind, but will not develop under the influence of your shopping-mind:  since mom sees to that, it's presumably important for your overall well-being.

    > So I got up and ran my butt to Publix because I knew she'd be there

    Ok, so now your unconscious mind has gotten the attention of your shopping-mind and is able to motivate the shopping-mind to go to Publix on new terms.

    > and when I got thr everyone asked me who the father was

    That is, what does shopping-mind love enough to bring to life an entire new mindset for you, a new way of being in the world?  Notice that "everyone" at Publix is no longer a hoard of threatening homeless, but people you can interact with.

    > and I thought God was because I was still a virgin

    So the deeper desire of shopping-mind is spiritual.

    > I held my baby and saw that she was the most pure beautiful being I had ever seen and I had to protect her from the evil around us

    So, shopping-mind is given back the new You to cultivate, once she has that realization and commitment to it.

    That is a really awesome, good dream of personal development and spiritual evolution.  And I have to say, you have a really good dreaming mind:

    A lot of people, when they fight with the message of a dream (as you did by running away from the hobos), will have their dreaming mind loose its temper, and it turns into a nightmare (which is like the dreaming mind shouting).  But your dreaming mind is very patient, and very clever about getting the message across and into the dreamer.  What an advantage!


  7. Is there really any chance at all you may be pregnant? Sounds like you have issues with safety. Do you feel threatened where you live? Not sure about the rest. Is your mother a football player? Just kidding.

  8. That is a trip...maybe it means you will be a really good Mom some day..that's what I'd like to think.

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