

by Guest33745  |  earlier

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I've wanted a kitten for forever, and tonight my roommate called and said she'd picked up a stray and instantly thought of me.

I am a college student with little money to spare. I've heard animal shelters will sometimes do shots and stuff for free... true?

also, what is the cheapest way to do kitty litter? i've heard of people making it homemade... anyone know how?

I know I am resonsible enough for this pet. I just need help learning a little about how to keep him happy and healthy while spending as little money as I can. Thanks!!

(by the way, I know that some money will have to be spent. I'm prepared for that. Just looking for the cheapest ways to do it)




  1. give it chocolate that will make it happy.  

  2. I'm a broke college student myseld...

    My recommendation as far as the vet would be to check local pet stores, like Petco, they might have free rabies vaccination clinics.

    You will want to bring your kitty to the vet soon after getting it to make sure its general health is ok. After that, from my experience anyway, you only have to take them to the vet when something seems wrong. In my family anyway, we do not take our cats every year for check ups like recommended, and they are doing great.

    Heres a super homemade way to make a kitty litter on your own which doesn't seem like a bad idea..

    I found this online... (from the website below)

    Shred newspaper in a paper shredder. I collect the shredded paper in an unused litter box.

    Soak the paper in warm water mixed with a few squirts gentle, biodegradable dish soap (like Ecover). The shredded paper takes on a cooked oatmeal consistency. The paper won’t come completely clean, but the water will turn grey.

    Drain the water (an old colander works wonders) and repeat the soaking process minus the soap.

    Sprinkle baking soda liberally on the wet paper. Knead it in to the mixture (you might want to wear gloves to avoid getting ink on your hands).

    Squeeze the remaining moisture out until it’s as dry as you can get it.

    Crumble over a screen and leave to dry (it takes a few days).

    Once it’s dry, I put about an inch and a half to two inches of the paper crumbles in the litter box, scoop solids daily and change it once a week. It takes about a half an hour to 45 minutes to make a 2-3 week supply of litter, and it’s kind of fun, in an elementary school art project way.

    Good Luck!!!

  3. go here it has everything you need...

    My liter trained rabbits use corn cobb bedding from can also use sand or fine gravel!!!

    shredded paper doesnt work bcause they cant dig like they do and they just dont poo in it..

    good luck...take lots of pics cause the kitten stage doesnt last forever...go to a petstore immeaditly....its better to go to their website to get ideas on pricing and quality befor you go to the store...

  4. humane society is usually the cheapest..but tell your friend to take it there...and leave it then in a day you go adopt it..then you only pay the adoption fee..shots and nueter are included...and dont feel bad about it because they get plenty of donations...good for kitty litter..I bought the kind from walmart its pine..but NOT feline pine..its another name i forget the name but its great its in a green and black bag...and it works great...theres only 2 not the feline pine...and feed it good cat food and the c**p wont smell I have had a cat all my life..remember they live for 25 years..good luck

  5. Since it is a stray cat,I suggest taking it to the vet ASAP and have it checked out because you do not know the disease it could have.Cats carries alot more disease than Most animals.I don't think the animal shelter does it for free but maybe cheaper,Give them a call in your area,Kitty litter is cheap,I have never heard of making your is cheap as well,You don't have to buy the expensive kind,The cheap is just as good.

  6. How wonderful kittens are the best!  But to be honest having pets will be expensive, but its money well spent.  

  7. animal shelters usually help out as much as they can..if you are taking in a stray they usually help out a lil more..ive called them and let them know that some dropped off a box of kittens that needed vet treatment and they paid for it all (about $100 ) and i was trully greatful cuz i have more than 10 cats and it does get expensive..if you wanna save on cat litter either get the cheap stuff or the clumping kind ..the clumping kind you can scoop the p**p (LOL ) and save the rest of the litter...not sure on any homemade litter..maybe sand? but cats like to cover up there poo so its gotta be something they can dig in  

  8. You sound so excited, and I honestly hate to say this...but if you can't afford kitty litter (it is not that expensive, the non clumping kind is even cheaper ) can you really afford to be a pet owner ?

    Please think about this...


    I seriously can't believe the responses !!!.. Do you know how many times people jump down people's throats because they ask...I just got a kitten it is congested and I can't afford to take it to the are encouraging this guy and he wants to make homemade litter !!!

  9. you can shred paper for cat litter, contact your local shelter or vet most do low cost vaccaines.   But you need to be a responsable pet owner and make sure you get it fixed which most vets offer also at a low cost.

  10. True about the animal shelters, but usually they make you take one from the shelter, so it may not be free to you.  But again, it depends on where you live.  

    Newspaper can be used for make shift kitty litter.  You have to shred it like a paper shredder.  Once the kitten gets older, you'll probably want to switch over to regular litter.  

    Where you shouldn't go cheap, is the food.  Got to make sure your cat gets all the nutrients and vitamins it needs.  Good luck!
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