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ok well i have strict parent like REALLY strict...and im like 16 almost 17 and they dont let me go out with my friends alot even to the mall, and when they do i gotta ask them a week ahead and be home by like 6 which is not really workin out for my question was should i just sneak out or lie because they dont understand how teenagers are because they are soo conservative..anyways if u got any suggestions feel free to input.




  1. Would not be a wise move on your part to sneak out. Don't give them any reason to not trust you. Yes, they are definitely over protective. I would suggest you have a quiet conversation with and  explain that you have not given them a reason to not trust your good judgment and ask them to allow you more freedom,

  2. i got parents like yours.. tell them you need to experience life and that you need to be independent.. tell them your going to college soon and u need to learn how to take care of yourself and that they're choice of locking you inside isnt helping you and when you go to college you wont b ready because u've never experience life by urslef  nd now u have to cause ur parents wont b with u in college

  3. OMG my parents are the same way: okay I have a cerfew at 5:30 pm I can't wear finger nail polish i can't get my ears pierced, I couldn't have a cell phone, I couldn't talk to boys what so ever not even as friends, and if I wanna wear a skirt I have to be with them when I wear it, I can't do anything without giving them a weeks notice as well, .... I know how you feel, okay so i snuck out and you know that was working for a while but i just recently got caught like 2 days ago and let me tell you its not good.. I know how you feel I mean I thougt sneaking out was the best idea but i am thinking that it wasn't since I got kicked out my moms house and had to move in with my dad.... i mean I would give you some suggestion but I don't want to get you in trouble.... I mean I just snuck my friends in the house and that worked for a minute but I am telling you NOW if you start lieing and sneaking out, DON'T GET TO COMFORTABLE yuo will get caught and it will be very sad... I am telling you this from experience!!!!

  4. Mother, Father I want to say that I have not seen my friends in a long time.. May I please visit my friend because she is very ill so her mom said I can only come she has an infection of cancer and I want to say goodbye to her..... Oh and she says she needs me for the rest of the week to help each 8:00's in the evening.. All right Mother Father, will you let me please go and you may not call her Mother please... Everything will be fine!                                    

  5. If you were caught sneaking out or lying to them, it's more likely that they set your curfew even earlier than it already is, and you may not be able to go out at all for a while. I suggest sitting down with your parents and calmly working out a compromise. If the conversation doesn't go your way don't get angry either because they will just tell them that you can't handle it, and they'll give up on it faster. Maybe it's that they're a little uncomfortable with you being out late so you can always offer something like "How about we set my curfew to 7:00 p.m. If I do something considerable wrong/bad we can lower it by a half hour, if I stay good, it will remain the same and if I do something wonderful (like nearly/all straight A's on your report card, all your chores, etc.) we can raise it by a half hour. That way it might make them feel better if you are doing responsible things to earn a later curfew they might feel better with you being out late.

    Just a suggestion.

    Edit: I also just thought, maybe you could suggest maybe them giving you a earlier curfew on school nights, that can't be a bad idea to throw out there.

  6. Don't run away. That's a bad idea because they'll trust you even less and be more strict. Just get your parents to meet your friends so your parents will feel better about you going out with them. Always let them know when you'll be late from an activity and don't try to hide things from them.  

  7. i think that if u havent done anything to make them not trust you then your fine

    just ask them why there such freaks and wont let you have fun

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