
STUDY: Modern Humans Retain Caveman's Survival Instincts?

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Im constantly getting insulted by these 'studys' even an 8 yo child could have told you this very easily.

Also stop posting the ' lack of sleep is deadly' when about 4 weeks ago there another amazing study that said the exact opposite!!!

Where's the consistency!?!?




  1. What was the question again?

  2. OK...  You hate studies that confirm the "obvious", but you like studies that disprove what we all assumed was obvious.

    I'll ask the same question:  "Where's the consistency?"

    We must do studies to challenge our long-held sense of the obvious.  Sometimes the studies confirm our beliefs, and sometimes the dispel them.

  3. I agree.  Nearly everyone could have told you what the study suggested.  I saw the article and I read it with interest only to be very disappointed.  It is like one of those headlines, Men are different from women, Ah Duh.  It reveals an ignorance of the investigators if they really didn't know that we retain many features from our wilder ancestors.  We are not as removed as they seem to indicate.  A couple generations living amongst skyscrapers doesn' t mean anything and even several thousand years living mostly in agricultural societies is a very small time interval relative to the time it takes to evolve significantly.

  4. There is a msitake in your 8 year old may have told me this easily? what? That YES or that NO?

    In any case, you could make studies of many things and have them turn around with a new study. I always like to use common sense.

    Do we have instincts? Of course we do. Are they the same as a "caveman"? I am not sure as I never been with a caveman to say they are the same. However, If I put myself in a situation, I am sure some instincts will surface. I am also sure that if a caveman puts himself in that situation his instincts will surface.

    In regards to retaining...I am not sure about that. Is hunting, mating, and so on instincts? If so, then I have the same insticts as a spider or a dog. Does this mean "retain"? or is it just part of nature's insticts and not a specific function of an animal, human, caveman or what have you?

  5. Science reporting in this country (and possibly others, but I mostly read US news) sucks @ss.  Honestly.  One study does not a sound theory make.  Scientists do lots of the same sort of study because they need to see if their hypotheses hold up repeatedly.  There's always room for error, so doing a bunch of them helps you figure out what the average is.  The media, though, grabs onto one study, misinterprets it horribly, and presents it as the Latest! New! Research!  It's ridiculous.

    The studies that show things even 8 year olds know are important, though, because common sense often doesn't work.  For instance, forget high school physics for a second.  Doesn't it seem logical that a heavier ball would drop faster than a lighter one?  It's heavier, right?  Except that's not what happens, and Galileo did experiments to prove that.  If we had stopped with just common sense, we would've been stuck in a very Aristotelian world-view.  Science isn't Aristotelian for just that reason.  So it's not science's fault, because they're just doing their very necessary jobs.  It's the media's for being so desperate for news and so ignorant of science that they don't usually report it correctly.

  6. mans basic instincs are still to find shelter, eat, and mate. they will never change. as far as the sleep thing than it is deadly and can really mess your body up if you were to stay up for like days and days on end. other than that just running off a few hours of sleep will not harm you. i usually get about 4 to 6 hours of sleep exept saterday and sunday and im pretty d**n healthy.

  7. Your natural instincts may be suppressed by all the conviences of modern technology, but you still have 3 basic needs: food, sleep, s*x. If technology collapses you'll be amazed how fast people can start acting animalistic.

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