
SUPER HELP ME! hicn blood! drabkin's reagent?

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ive just spent 2 freaking hrs trying to think out what my lecturer ask us to do..

his practical sheet isin't comprehensive enough!!

ok it is about using HiCN as a gauge to measure amount of Hb concentration in a sample blood(my blood)..compared to a standard blood sample which comprised absorbance term


1) low hb standard blood sample-0.35

2) normal hb standard blood sample-0.53

3) high hb standard blood sample-0.60

my blood absorbance- 0.628

and my lecturer told us to do a graph, a reference one with y-axis being the absorbance and the X-axis being the concentration in g/dl..and i believe this is for the standard blood sample? but how do u get the x-axis value?

and btw theres this formula on the practical paper..

haemoglobin in g/l = A540nm of your sample/A540nm of standard sample Xconcentration of standard..

im all mixed up very so!

help! :(




  1. mmm im not too sure cus haven read the whole exp but my guess would be to plug ur low, high, and "my blood absorbance" values into the hb equation to use on the x axis... thats assuming you were provided with the concentration of the standard... which you should have been!!


    conc of hb of low hb sample (g/l)=0.35/0.53 x conc of std (g/l)

    conc of hb of high hb sample (g/l)=0.60/0.53xconc of std (g/l)

    conc of hb in ur blood (g/l)=0.628/0.53x conc of std (g/l)

    then you would have to convert those values to g/dl (i.e. x 0.10)

    and use those values on the x axis...

    from the information you gave thats my guess!! good luck! man i hate spectro and feel for you right now!!!

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